Something unbelievably serendipitous happened this week.

Andrew and I are in Greece taking part in a couple’s soulmate Tantra training…

And we found out the whole week is on foreplay for awakening the five senses…

and that is exactly what this video is all about too –

so we’re going to experience it together!! 🙂

The craziest thing is that after a few days of enhancing my own sensitivity to smell, taste, touch, sound, and sight here in Greece…

I feel more in love with Andrew than I ever have.

(We’re on our 4th year together.)

AND had the best love-making ever.

What I realized is that if you don’t enhance your five senses…

you can be leaving out a LOT of love and a LOT of sexual passion.


Because you might actually love the person you’re with, but you’re not able to feel it if your senses have dulled.

You might have dynamite sexual passion in your relationship (or with yourself!) but you’re just not able to feel it if your senses have dulled.

It’s like having a million dollars in a bank account and you forgot you had it there, so you walk around feeling broke and worried.

The five senses make all the difference because they allow you to feel the goodness that is already within you.

This video will show you how to awaken your five senses to experience exquisitely sensitive sexuality with a lover.

(I would know, because after activating my five senses, I’m acting wildly stoned in the best kind of way!)

Find out this incredible foreplay technique below.

Let me know in the comments section below – what is your favorite sense? And what way do you love to experience it?


Foreplay For Exquisitely Sensitive Sexual Experiences

Sometimes you get home from work, overwhelmed, exhausted, even a little emotionally numb.

Mmm Mmm. Mmm.

So there is another type of foreplay. One that I’m going to share with you in this video. That’s not about pushing it towards getting as turned on as possible, but actually inviting your partner to awaken their five senses, taking them from being only a little bit interested in sex to maybe having one of the most mind blowing sexual experiences of their life. You’re going to do this by opening the doorway to the five senses and I’m going to show you exactly how.

I’m Layla Martin. This is the place to be. If you want to experience epic sex, legendary love and exquisitely sensitive for play.

If you want to have foreplay for exquisitely sensitive sex, then step one is to make your space centrally beautiful. Think about the right lighting, the right scent, the right music, even something really soft for your partner to lie on. Step two is you’re going to offer your partner a total central activation. What that means is you’re going to invite them to experience each of their five senses in a heightened state of awareness.

You can start with touch. That means long luscious, slow strokes on their skin and body trying tactile things that maybe you’ve never done before, like rubbing their ears or running your fingers lightly through their hair. You can use tools like feathers or fake furs to first to invite them, to experience the sensation of touch as though they’ve never felt before, but it doesn’t always have to be like this. Men love a bit of a sensorial awakening as well.

You can activate your partner’s sense of smell with different parts of your body, putting different essential oils and letting them smell the nape of your neck or underneath your wrist.

And then activating their sense of taste. Teasing them lightly on the lips with the strawberry or the watermelon. And then finally letting them taste your lips with a kiss and your mouth as if for the very first time.

For activating your partner’s sense of hearing, you can use music, but one of the most delicious ways is to whisper into their ear. For her you can whisper things that you love about her, things that you find beautiful or why she’s so desirable. For him, you can whisper what you love about him, what you’re grateful for, what you respect about him.

To activate your partner’s sense of sight. You can then remove the blindfold if you’ve used it or let them open their eyes and really take you in visually as if for the very first time at this point, you can move into love making or the ritual may feel complete, but if you do move into love making, you’ll find that you’re exquisitely sensitized.

So if you’re going to offer this amazing experience to your partner, one of the ways to do it is to text them right now, letting them know exactly what you’re going to do to them. When they get home, it’s a really delicious warm up.

You also need to get all of the items together. This is going to make your partner feel really supported and loved. You’re going to want a blindfold, some really amazing foods that taste and smell delicious incense or essential oils and something tactile, or really awaken their sense of touch.

So if you’d love to engage in more of these delicious sexual practices with your partner, then you can check out my epic lovers course. You can find out more by clicking here and thank you so much for being here. It’s an absolute pleasure to share with you some of these delicious experiences that can allow you to really connect with your partner in profound and meaningful ways. I’d love for you to subscribe to the YouTube channel, and you might want to check out this video next or some more amazing foreplay exercises here.

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