VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

How to Stop Falling for Bad Boys (or Girls) – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Oct 1, 2014 7:00:00 AM

In my life, I’ve experienced this crazy “tale of two men.”

It all started with my biological father being a real jerk.

My step-father, however, was a dream father, always cheering for me, loving me and supporting me.

As I grew up, I found myself continuously drawn to dating two types of men…

One was manipulative, cold, critical and usually abandoned me right when I opened my heart.

The other was unconditionally loving, supportive and basically supported me in all the ways you could ask for in a healthy relationship.

Guess which one I found myself ultra drawn too?

That’s right, the jerk!

It sounds totally unreasonable, but I found the loving ones a little un-interesting and I usually dumped them.

After going deeper into this issue, I discovered that I was running after the cold ones because I didn’t need to prove anything with the good men.

I’d gotten the message early on from my stepfather that grounded and stable men loved and accepted me.

But, my biological father left this unresolved need in me to “prove” that a cold, distant man could do the same.

The craziest part was that chasing those “bad boys” only made me feel loved for a few seconds.

Most of the time I spent drained, needy and in a state of drama.

It took about a decade, and a lot of messing up, but I finally started choosing the good men.

That was less exciting at first, but it left a hell of a lot more room in my heart to build my business, follow my spiritual path and take care of myself and my friends.

It also allowed me to create a deep and lasting love that wasn’t based on my wounds, but my true desires.

So: if you’re still stuck dating bad boys (or girls) over and over again (or know someone who is), I want to share with you what worked for me to undo this nasty habit.

(And the problem doesn’t have to be with your father or mother, it can come from a number of different places, and this video will still apply to you.)

So, if you want to start dating people who are good for you, or help your friends or clients to do so, then watch the vlog below.

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Please forward this email to any sisters who you think might benefit from this knowledge.

And let me know in the comments below… are you finding yourself drawn to the same relationship dynamic over and over again? And if so, what you are you going to do to get over it?

Or: if you have really healthy relationships, what helped you to get there?

I love reading all of your comments, and all the wonderful things that you share.