VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

The #1 Way to Magnetize a Man… and Keep Him Interested – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Aug 26, 2014 7:00:00 AM

This type of discussion about “magnetizing a man” can get cheesy really fast.

(Ladies, match that handbag to those shoes! Pronto! Mr. Perfect awaits you!….)

So. None of that. I promise 😉

However, men are truly, delicious, lovely creatures.

I personally love the smell of their worn t-shirts, their ridiculous simplicity, the perfect way I fit into their arms.

And I’ve got a thing for wild brown curly hair. Don’t know why, I just do…

So knowing how to make a man feel good around me, makes me feel good.

Who doesn’t want that effortless sexiness that magnetizes men?

I’ve done it all wrong, and I’ve done it really right….

I’ve spent years observing girlfriends who just drove men wild…

and talking to men about what does it for them.

And I’ve boiled down one thing that makes the biggest difference of all…

…and the cool thing is, any woman can do it.

Want to keep him mesmerized? Then watch today’s Vlog to find out the one thing that really works to magnetize men.


Let me know in the comments below, what makes you feel most alive? And have you noticed that men are more attracted to you when you’re full of life force?



The #1 Way to Magnetize a Man… and Keep Him Interested

What’s the trick to being super magnetic to a man? There’s no scientific formula you can follow but there is one thing you can stick to that I can guarantee is going to attract and keep the kind of man that you wanna be with. And I’m gonna share that with you in this vlog, it’s on Layla Martin, and this is a sexy revolution. This is the place to be if you are the kind of woman who wants to experience and create epic sex and legendary love in your life.

So I’ve talked to numerous men. I’ve taught workshops solely for men. I’ve gone to schools with really conscious men who are in a big dating scene. And I’ve asked them consistently, what draws you to a woman? What attracts you to her and men, especially high quality men consistently say something similar. Although they use different language, they say, basically she makes me feel alive.

Now this fits in with the tantric philosophy that women are the embodiment of the universe, the forces of nature, the forces of emotion, the forces of love and men as the force of consciousness actually crave that life force.

So a woman who feels alive brings a man alive, and that is inherently sexy to him. They’ll use the kind of language like, she lights up my life. She makes me feel like I matter, she bursts my heart open. There’s this kind of appreciation for the feminine quality of life that a woman can bring into a man’s existence.

Now you can’t actually try and do this so you can’t try and make a man feel alive. What you can do if you wanna magnetize those types of men is become alive yourself. So I see so many women in relationships or in dating disempower themselves. So they make everything about the dating or how they look or they get lost in a relationship.

So you might find yourself not hanging out with your friends as much wanting to do everything he wants to do. That becomes very unattractive to a man very, very quickly because you lose the life force energy that drew him to you in the first place. So cultivate your own aliveness. Do what makes you passionate, do exciting, crazy things, and more than anything, make your body come alive.

So yoga practices, the feminine, sexual arts, dancing, traveling, anything that’s delicious and pleasurable will make you alive so that you can bring that force of nature into a man’s life and truly keep him attracted.

So if you’re loving this content and you want more then head on over to, I’m gonna send amazing videos straight to your inbox every week. Go ahead and let me know in the comment section below, what makes you most alive and have you noticed that men are attracted to, or magnetized to you when you are actually full of life force?

Finally, share this video on Facebook. I so appreciate you helping to spread the word about all this beautiful stuff and help women get the message about being more alive in their life. Thank you so much for being here, having the courage and the heart to truly transform your life as a woman.