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My Sexy Self Love Tool – How to Feel Sexy in Any Situation – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jun 25, 2014 7:00:00 AM

Back in the day, whenever a cute guy came anywhere near me, I’d have an overwhelming urge to run and hide in the nearest cupboard.


I felt unworthy of his attention and was afraid of rejection.

Spending all that time in my head, worried about how I looked, whether he liked me or not…it was an energy drain and it made me super insecure.

Not only that, it drove away the good men who wanted a confident woman.

So a few years back, I decided I wanted to make a change… and feel totally deserving of male attention.

It took work, but I learned to feel sexy and confident in my own skin, no matter who I was talking too.

That kind of self-worth is priceless!

So today I’m going to share with you one of my most powerful tools for feeling totally beautiful and sexy, in ANY situation (even if you’re in your pajamas, pre-shower!)

…and you’ll get a kiss from George Clooney too 😊

Discover my Sexy Self Love Tool below.


Can you think of another woman who deserves to feel beautiful naturally?

Share this Vlog with her and hit the “like” button below.