VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Tantric Sex vs Regular Sex… Do You Know the Differences? – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Oct 15, 2014 7:00:00 AM

I made todays video on tantric sex, because sex is like a vast universe.

But you and I weren’t told about all the stars, galaxies and worlds we can travel to in our hearts and with our partners, through our ecstasy.

We certainly didn’t get told about the badass spaceship each of us have to get there.

It’s, yeah, a spaceship in your pants. I totally just went there. 😉

Perhaps you’ve even experienced one of the common struggles with sex: it’s become a little dull…or difficult…or painful. Or you just crave a deeper experience.

How did our greatest source of pleasure and fun become such a place of struggle?

I believe a big part of that is because we’re making love only in a very limited way.

I call this “Regular Sex” and it has been the winner for quite some time.

But Tantric sex and tantra are making a real comeback.

Watch this week’s video below and learn the differences between the two, so you can hop in that special spaceship…and fly….;)


Head on down to the comments below and let me know if you’ve experienced Tantra or Tantric sex before and if so, what was it like for you?




Tantric Sex vs Regular Sex… Do You Know the Differences?

How is tantric sexuality different from regular, everyday sex today? I’m gonna share with you the four biggest differences. Why would I do that? Is the grass really greener on the other side?

From the perspective of regular sex versus TANTRIC sex, I gotta tell you, the grass is pretty green. I’m sharing this with you today because so many people complain that sex has become numb, stale, uninteresting, and tantric sexuality can really open a gateway to absolutely fascinating sex whether you’ve just met someone or you’ve been married to someone for 30 years.

I also wanna share it with you because so many people feel that they haven’t truly tapped into their ultimate sexual power and are starting to move in the direction of tantric sex.

Sexuality starts to open gateways of sexual experiences that shows you who you are and what you’re really made of, that are just incredibly valuable for all areas of your life.

So I’m Layla Martin, this is a sexy revolution.

The first big difference between regular sex and tantric sex is regular sex can be only about the pursuit of pleasure. So how many orgaasms did you have? How great did it feel?

Tantric sex is also about feeling awesome, having amazing orgasms, but it’s deeper than that. It’s also about how authentic were you, how real were you during the sexual experience? How much did you feel?

And were you able to feel everything, sadness, anger, the whole range of human expression? It’s not focused solely on pleasure.

A second big difference is that regular sex is focused a lot around personality and masks. So how good does it look? How into it, is she, how hot is he? It’s very much about surface level appearances.

Pornography is a really great example, trying to have it look and feel a certain way based on what you think sex should be inside your head.

Tantric sexuality asks you to take away those masks and get real. So how vulnerable can you be? It’s a lot about sharing deeply with your partner and having the freedom to express things that maybe have been long repressed inside of your body.

My boyfriend and I, for example, when in our more tantric mindset, we might, um, get really raw, we might go into our fears, go into our sensitivities.

And after we make love, we’ll often share, we’ll give feedback on what our experiences were. So we’re going deeper than just the appearance of looking good and having it feel really good and showing up for how deep can we go into this sex.

The third crucial difference between regular sex and tantric sex is that regular sex looks at sex as an important piece of life, something healthy. But it’s often disconnected from a deep spiritual truth, a deep spiritual reality.

There’s also a lot of shame and guilt around everyday sex. You wouldn’t want your boss finding out about your sexual activities. You wouldn’t want it. Most people wouldn’t want it posted all over Facebook or if they’d gone to a sex party.

Tantric sex is first and foremost about getting over that guilt and shame, but eventually using the power of sex, the energy of sex, and the opening of sex as the spiritual gateway.

So the same sorts of awakenings that you could have on a 10 day meditation course, tantric sex says, how do you get that kind of spiritual truth and realization inside your body, through your sexual experiences?

And it’s actually a whole science that looks at how you can use sex to spiritually awaken. Now, tantra is about so much more than sex. It’s a vast science that encapsulates all kinds of things from the awakening of the heart, to the science of mantra and sound. And it also includes sex.

So this video is telling you a lot about tantra sex, because that’s what most people are interested in, but tantra goes much, much deeper than that as well.

So if you’re loving this content head on over to, sign up with your email address, and I’m gonna send you the most incredible information every single week to spice up your sex life and your life in general.

Like us on Facebook so you can spread the word and all your friends can be having amazing tantric sex experiences. They’re gonna thank you for that.

And finally, let me know in the comments below, are you experiencing mainstream sex in your life right now, or have you had experiences with tantric sexuality? Do you have curiosity in moving more towards that in your life?

Thank you so much for being here.