VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

3 Essential Erotic Practices – For The Modern Day Goddess – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jul 1, 2015 7:00:00 AM

Do you feel like a sexual goddess?

In todays society with so much sexual repression, plastic surgery and body size expectations it can be super difficult,

especially as most of us don’t have access to practices to help us feel our full sexual power.

But it wasn’t always that way.

Throughout history there have been so many practices to keep women sexually vital…

…practices that Greek Goddesses used to feel fully connected to their bodies,

…that Chinese High Priestesses used to stay sexually alive

…and Tantric Goddesses used to worship and celebrate their bodies.

But due to thousands of years of feminine sexual repression, these practices have almost been totally lost to the modern women.

It’s time to change that!

So in todays Vlog I’m sharing with you 3 practices that you can use today to stay sexually vital and feel totally alive as woman.

I consider these practices essential for truly feeling yourself as a goddess, having an amazing sex life and being fully connected to your sexuality. Check them out below.


And let me know in the comments below, do you think you can apply these practices in your modern day life or do they belong in the past?

Love, Layla




3 Essential Erotic Practices – For The Modern Day Goddess

So some of the ideas I’m gonna share with you in this video might seem a little shocking. Practices that allow you as a woman to feel your full sexual power and to really come alive from the inside out often seem shameful or weird, or even strange.

After a few thousand years of feminine sexual repression so many of the practices that could help us so much as women have either just been lost or they’ve been so judged and wrapped in this weird surrounding that we’ve just forgotten we even have them at our disposal.

For those of us who are ready, it’s time to make your sexuality and your power a top priority and not in some esoteric way or some ancient cultural way but to actually take these amazing ways and powerful practices and make them modern and accessible in our day to day lives.

In this video, I wanna share with you the three erotic practices that I consider essential, not just for having a relationship to yourself as a goddess for having an amazing sex life but also just being erotically connected to your sexuality as a woman.

So I’m Layla Martin, this is a sexy revolution. This is a place to be if you wanna experience epic sex and legendary love.

So the first essential practice is pussy worship. This really reached its height in the ancient tantric cultures of India. So the vagina was known as the yoni, a sacred temple, a sacred home, a sacred source, the source of creation. And it was revered as one of the most sacred parts of not only the goddess herself but of women.

So in these modern days of plastic surgery to correct the so-called imbalances or imperfections of the pussy, all of the judgment and fear we have around how she tastes, how she smells, how she looks, how she operates, who she is. We need to pull out the big guns to counteract this kind of disconnection from one of the most essential parts of the feminine body.

Pussy worship means loving her, adorning her, caring for her, accepting her totally and celebrating her. And yes, actively worshiping her.

Danielle Port had a beautiful post and experiment with this where she took two apples and she spoke really badly to one of the apples. She told it, it was rotten. It was worthless. Nobody loved it or cared about it. And the other apple, she showered with beautiful comments and adoration. Now the difference between the two apples after a few weeks was remarkable.

This was the apple that got told horrible things. And this was the apple that got showered with love and appreciation. Now imagine your pussy. How do you talk to her? Do you shower her with love and appreciation and beautiful compliments? Do you say horrible kind of judgemental things to her?

If you really wanna know, how do I worship my pussy? Think of something that you have reverence awe and respect for something natural, like the stars in the universe or something beautiful piece of art that inspires you and then take that sense of awe reverence and worship what you feel inside of you and visualize your vagina and see if you can have that same exact feeling for your vagina as you do for the thing that you have the deep awe reverence and respect for.

The essential practice number two is the Jade egg. So in ancient China, the Taoist high priestesses and immortals and the emperor’s concubines were all in on this amazing, amazing practice for supercharged sexual vitality and longevity.

This little stone is yoga, the gym green juice and multi-orgasmic bliss for your pussy all rolled into one. If you’re like, what Layla you want me to put what, where?

That’s a super common reaction. It’s a gemstone that you put up your pussy and you do a whole bunch of really cool exercises, just like Asana from yoga and just like doing a regular yoga practice.

If you have a regular Jade egg practice for your pussy, it awakens all kinds of amazing energy, passion, aliveness connection, and really, really deep, amazing things that I can’t really tell you about. You’re just gonna have to experience them for yourself.

Having a regular Jade egg practice gives you a super svelt, super powerful rockstar pussy, and having that going on. I’m not just making this up. It actually affects your whole emotional state, your whole physical state, your whole sexual state, the whole way that you inhabit your body.

The best practice is like yoga for your pussy, is gonna sweep the nation, change the world and will never be the same again.

So if you are interested in having a rockstar pussy and an amazing Jade egg practice to support you, then check out my Jade egg course, it’s brand new. It’s gonna be absolutely amazing and you can sign up for it here.

So Greek culture really had this down. I used to get so inspired. The women of Greece would go off into the woods and get totally wild, totally extreme, completely naked, let their hair down. And this was considered essential for their health and their spiritual connection.

This is probably the least shocking part of this list. And yet it is so essential for us as women to have a space where you can just totally let go, get wild, get naked, get completely free. This can be as simple as having a morning dance practice or going out into nature once a week and doing something that just lets all the control and the nicety and the to-do list out of your mind and gets you back into your body.

I believe those kinds of moments where you fully inhabit your body and you’re fully unleashed make you feel worthy, make you feel whole, make you feel necessary and make your life have a really important, fundamental meaning to it.

You can also tap into this by joining an S factor class. If that’s in a city near you, or you can tap into it by just getting wild in your bedroom, on your bed to music. So sometimes I love this too. Sometimes I dance naked in front of the mirror. Sometimes I just like to roll around and get crazy on my bed to some awesome music and that can be an amazing release as well.

So let me know in the comments section below, do you believe that these practices can help you and your modern life and if so, how? Or do they belong back in ancient cultures? So do they just stay there?

So if you’re not already on my email list, head on over to, sign up with your email address. We’ll stay in touch with things that I only share via email. Go ahead and share this on Facebook below. Let’s bring back these practices to a modern audience. Go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel.

Every time I get a YouTube subscriber, a baby kitten smiles. And finally, thank you so much for being here. I know how much courage and heart it takes to really own all of your power, all of your sexiness and all of your love in this lifetime.