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5 Irresistible Flirting Tips – For Sexually Empowered Women – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jun 17, 2015 7:00:00 AM

I've been in a "Soulmate" couples training with Andrew for the past week in Corfu.

It’s been hellish and beautiful beyond description.

To give you an idea, one of our assignments was to make love while saying absolutely everything we were thinking or feeling.

It got heavy – both our feelings got hurt at certain points…

In times like this, I am really, really grateful for my ability to flirt.

We’ll be sulking after a fight and suddenly, I get the urge to dance on top of him and pull his hair while making crazy sounds.

Before we know it, we’re laughing hysterically and can’t remember what the fight was about.

Sometimes flirting is seen as something superficial, but I think it’s an essential skill if you’re single or in a long-term relationship.

Flirting isn’t about the other person, it’s about tapping into your own inner amazingness and playfully sharing that with others.

A good flirt is a great lover and an even better companion.

So this week I’m sharing 5 flirting tips for the sexually empowered woman.

Check them out below.


And let me know in the comments below…What’s your best flirting tip?
We can all learn from each other and I bet we have some seriously good skills in this group.





5 Irresistible Flirting Tips – For Sexually Empowered Women

Hey, welcome. Let’s get into flirting. So of the 52 female flirting signals studied by scientists, the hair flip is the most common.

My name’s Christie.

And studies show that it’s three lingering glances. That’s the tipping point to make someone realize that you’re interested in them.

What’s yours?

We’re gonna go a little deeper than that. So flirting is super important because to me, when you make flirting part of your lifestyle, it keeps you sexually alive inside. You don’t get that deadened feeling. It reminds you to play with the world and it helps you to celebrate your sexuality.

I really think flirting frequently and often helps you stay radiant as a woman from the inside out, but flirting only works if it comes from the right place.

So if you’ve learned to flirt just to make other people feel good, or just to make the men around you happy, then it actually is quite empty. I wanna show you the empowering way to flirt, which is basically turning yourself on from the inside out, making yourself feel good. And then using that to light up everyone else around you, that’s a sexually empowered way to flirt.

And I’m gonna give you my five top tips for how to make that a regular part of your life and your relationship in this video. So I’m Layla Martin. This is a sexy revolution. This is the place to be. If you wanna experience epic sex and legendary love.

So growing up, I felt like a terrible failure as a flirt. I had zero idea how to interact with boys in any kind of successful way. And I was also really kind of uncomfortable with my girlfriends as well. I didn’t have an easy flowing personality learning to flirt and have fun and turn myself on and turn other people on was this big ticket to actually really enjoying myself socially. And it also made a huge impact. I was suddenly way more attractive to men in general.

But I’m a good girl.

So the number one irresistible flirting tip is always ask yourself this question. What would it take for me to have a really good time right now? Okay. So wondering how everybody else is doing and trying to take care of everybody else is gonna make you scattered and people pleasing. And it’s not nearly as effective as just stopping, checking in and saying, what’s it gonna take for me to have fun right now? What’s it gonna take for me to rock it right now? What’s it gonna take for me to feel really good inside?

Now the answer might be to interact with other people. It might be something that you do on your own. I like to start from there, get myself having a really good time and then take that mood and start to interact with others.

So this is a super authentic way to be flirty because you’re not trying to get something from someone else. You’re not out there with an agenda. You’re just thinking, what do I need right now to make myself have a great time? And when you are having fun genuinely, and you interact with other people, it’s magnetic, it’s radiant. It’s super attractive.

I told you I was good.

Now super power listening is when you are totally 100% listening to the person in front of you. This isn’t a passive thing, it’s active. You’re actually really tuned in to what’s amazing about them. What they’re really trying to communicate to you. You’re really, really listening. You’re not looking over their shoulder, wondering who else is around or thinking about what you’re gonna say next, or trying to relate it to yourself. You’re like really listening to them.

So only do this with people that you can genuinely tune into. But one of the things about superpower listening is that you’ll get really good at really tuning into what someone is actually saying. And being heard, being really listened to, being truly appreciated when you’re speaking is one of the sexiest feelings.

You’re joking.

So this one is absolute magic sauce. If you can master it. I learned this first from David Deida, which is that no matter what you’re doing, you allow yourself to get penetrated by it, feel it. So the opposite of this is being disconnected from your reality, like you’re not feeling that much. You’re kind of two dimensional. You’re there in a cardboard state that ain’t gonna magnetize anybody.

So when you allow yourself to not just feel, but get penetrated by the moment that can be the nature around you, it can be the food that you’re eating. It can be the music that you’re listening to. You feel it deep inside your body. It’s an active thing.

So you’re actually allowing music to penetrate you. You’re allowing taste and food to penetrate your body. It’ll make you feel super, super alive if you’re doing it right. It really is quite sexual. So you’re really imagining, like you’re making love to whatever experience you’re having in the present moment.

Oh my God. Dancing in a kind of turned off way versus dancing and letting music penetrate me. It’s been an experience that’s absolutely changed my life. Do it in an environment where you feel safe or comfortable or because this one is a little bit more vulnerable, but when you really allow it to happen, something super magical, there’s like a sexy alchemy that wakes up from the inside. That’s incredibly charismatic.

So this means be playful, be silly, have a fun time. It’s like the fun of being a little kid. Again, being willing to finger paint, to dance, to jump on the bed, to do silly things, really lighten the mood and have a really, really good time. It’s also playing with people.

So inviting people to play with you to have a good time, it’s really amazing to get out of being too serious and just kind of letting your hair down, having an awesome time. If you feel like you’ve gotten stuck in your life and you’re out of touch with playfulness and mischievousness, it can be really great to start with your girlfriends.

So just let your girlfriends know. I’ve been feeling a little disconnected and I really wanna work on my playfulness and my mischievousness. Can I practice with you in the next week? And when you go out with your girlfriends, when you’re hanging out with them, when you go out at night or go to brunch, really practice playing with them, be a little mischievous with them. Don’t just interact with them in the everyday way. Really turn on your play can be really fun to start with your girlfriends. And then it’ll feel more natural when you start to flirt with people that you’re really interested in.

What? Now?

So true. Teasing is an art form because it’s not playing mind games with someone or trying to play power games with them. Teasing is giving them a little taste of what you really wanna give them, but not giving them the full thing right away.

So this is a really good way to check if your teasing is real. If you wanna give them the full thing that you’re teasing them with eventually, but you’re not gonna do it right away. Mind games are, if you’re teasing them, but you don’t wanna give them the full thing eventually.

So a healthy tease means thinking of what it is that they want. Maybe they want a gift. So you’re gonna tease the gift a little bit. Maybe give them a hint that you got them something special, or they really love your sexy lingerie. So you send them, you know, a text with a picture of you in it beforehand.

That’s the art of teasing. It’s giving little bits of something as a lead up to something bigger. So let me know in the comment section below, which of these irresistible flirting tips do you want to master and let me know. Do you have any flirting tips, for us as well for the other ladies out there, that have really worked for you? If you’re not already connected to my email list, head over to, sign up with your email address and I’ll be sharing with you everything that I share with the community of absolutely outstanding women who have chosen to really embrace their power, their love, and their sexiness in their life.

Consider sharing this on Facebook below. So we can really turn up the flirtatious vibe on this planet and subscribe to the YouTube channel. Every time I get a YouTube subscriber, a baby kitten smiles, thank you so much for being here. I know it takes courage and heart to really make this kind of transformation in your life.