VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

6 Steps to Fabulous Pleasurable Breasts – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jan 14, 2015 8:00:00 AM

In case you hadn’t heard, I’ve been battling a terrible tropical virus called Chikungunya that I picked up in Bali.

It’s been one of the most challenging 6 weeks of my life.

I’ve just recently gotten much, much better…

but you know how strong illnesses can really mess with your head?

When I started to film this Vlog, I had so many crazy thoughts in my mind.

“Maybe Chikungunya ate my brain and I no longer have the memory to make Vlogs”

“This illness has stolen my charisma, my confidence, my love…I have nothing left to give…”

So, I combined the two best ways in the universe to overcome obstacles:

I did a body meditation…

and then I sang “Eye of the Tiger” (very poorly) at the top of my lungs

while pointing at my imaginary adoring audience of screaming fans.

Then I sat down and I started to film.

You’ll notice in this video, I start out a bit slow, cautious.

Then at some point, the Mojo just kicks in.

And there is a fire, a point, a beauty coming through.

2015 is the year of the Mojo kicking in.

For you and for me.

No matter what crazy thoughts you have, what kind of self-doubts…

It’s the year where that shit just doesn’t matter as much and your genius shines through anyhow.

On that note, this Vlog will show you 6 ways to have fabulous and pleasurable breasts.

Because regular breast care, will give you a hot sensuality and a sweet, powerful heart.

If you’re into that, then this Vlog is for you.


When you’re done watching, head on down the comments section (it’s our new, improved system – don’t be scared!!) and let me know which of the breast care steps you’ll be adopting this year.




6 Steps to Fabulous Pleasurable Breasts

One of the great pieces of wisdom I was reminded of during my six week epic battle with a vicious tropical fever was just what a blessing it is to feel alive inside of your body and what a blessing it is to be able to experience pleasure. And I was thinking just how insane it is that so few of us have a regular daily practice to cultivate that kind of aliveness and pleasure that makes life worth living.

So in this video, I’m gonna share with you my six steps for creating fabulous and pleasurable breasts, because your breasts are the foundation. They’re actually the portal to that sense of aliveness and for calibrating your nervous system, your brain and your body, to be able to receive and perceive the greatest amounts of pleasure.

In short, having regular breast care makes your body the kind of place that you wanna live in. And I’m gonna show you how to do that in this video, this is a sexy revolution. This is a place to be. If you want to experience epic sex and legendary love in your life.

When it comes to the breast essentials, step one is regular breast massage. Now you can do a couple of different massage techniques. The first is circular movement around the breasts. The next is to shake the breasts gently. And the last is to just hold the breasts right up against your body. Very firmly.

You’ll notice when you do this, that it kickstarts a cocktail of hormones and neurotransmitters that can totally change the way that you feel inside.

Now, at first, if you encounter numbness, resistance, or even some sadness, that’s totally fine. Allow yourself to breathe deeply and release it. Underneath that, you’ll find a beautiful pleasure within the breasts.

So if you’re interested in more specific techniques and instruction around how to do a breast massage, then you will love my OBliss Masterclass.

Essential number two is pay attention to your nipples. So the area right around your nipples, which you can also focus on during your massage is connected to your entire endocrine system. Now the endocrine system is your master gland inside your body and they actually control everything from your appetite to your sleep patterns, to your energy levels, to how active and energetic you feel throughout the day.

So when you’re massaging right around the nipples, you can pay attention to having optimal hormonal health, and that can really bring a strong sense of aliveness into your body.

Essential number three is talk to your breasts. Now this might sound totally crazy or over the top, but it’s super effective. So all this is, is to either out loud, speak down to your breasts and talk to them, or you can even do it in your head silently, but breasts respond super powerfully to messages.


Like I love you. You’re beautiful. Or you’re the most sparkly, radiant, amazing things ever. You’ll notice even if you have resistance or you think this is dumb, if you tried even just once there’ll be a noticeable shift inside, you’ll actually feel different. You’ll be able to understand the power of talking to your breasts as a regular practice breast essential.

Number four is to focus on your breasts as you go throughout the day. So you might actually be sensitive to not wanting to bring attention or sexual unwanted attention to your breasts and hide them or not bring them up and out and bring the energy into them.

And this is a great exercise for actually getting over that and reconnecting. And re-empowering this part of your body, or you might have insecurities around your breasts that they’re shameful or too sexual or too small or too big or whatever it is. And this light daily focus on your breasts as you do day to day, things can actually change that patterning. The women who carry positive, full energy in the breast area are actually more effective at getting what they want in life.

This is what Chinese medicine teaches that men actually penetrate the world through their penises. So it makes a lot of sense. And men you notice who are very into, being confident and very active they sit with their legs wide open. They are penetrative. They inhabit their pelvic area.

For women, the correspondence is supposed to be in our chest and in our breasts. So really focusing throughout your day on building this as a power center and feeling empowered presenting it to the world.

You’ll actually notice the body language instead of hiding your breasts, actually opening up, bringing your breast forward and having them lead into the world is quite a powerful body language.

Breast essential number five is let them go free. So playing and allowing your breasts to come out during certain activities, you can do yoga topless for instance. You can dance naked in front of the mirror topless, or you can run around outside in nature with your breasts out.

It can be a really not only liberating experience, but kind of resets your relationship to your breasts at an innocent, playful, fun resonance, which is super important, comes so naturally to us. And without that playful, fun vibe, you can actually start to store a lot of grief inside of your chest.

Breast essential number six is make a breast ritual in the shower. So I like to make a mixture of really fine Epsom salt, organic coconut oil and organic honey, keep it in the shower and do a scrub massage during the shower.

And then when I rinse, I imagine the water purifying the breast tissue and my heart as I rinse. It’s really beautiful. And then if you want a sexy touch at the end, you can dab each breast with perfume or essential oil.

So let me know in the comment section below which of these essentials you’re going to bring into your life, all of them, or just a couple of them. If you let me know and type it out, it’ll actually make it much more likely that you’re gonna incorporate it into your life.

Please share this on Facebook. Let everyone know the amazingness of having healthy and happy breasts. And if you want to go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel, or if you wanna get on my email list, you can head over to, sign up with your email address, and I’m gonna hit you with amazing, beautiful videos like this every single week.

And finally, thank you for being here. I know it takes courage and heart as a woman to make this kind of transformation in your life.