VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

9 steps to Ecstatic, Spiritual Cervical Orgasms – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jan 22, 2015 8:00:00 AM

I've got something pretty intimate to share with you.

Basically there is no word in the English language that can express how I feel about the cervix.

“Love” actually doesn’t cut it.

And here is why…If I have cervical orgasms with my boyfriend, I not only fall madly, deeply in love with him for the following few days, but I’m supremely happy for no reason at all.

AND I usually experience a rocking spiritual union that shifts my perspective from tiny to cosmic.

The first time I had a cervical orgasm, after I was done collecting myself up from total ecstatic annihilation on the bed, my first thought was…

My god, I have to tell the whole world about this.

Because the cervix is intimately connected to all the best parts of your female brain.

Bliss, ecstasy, connected relating, spiritual union, wisdom of the ages…your cervix holds the keys, baby.

And pretty much NO ONE is talking about this.

To you, the cervix might be painful or something you’d rather leave alone.

I think that’s a crime.

So, I’m breaking it down for you…

9 Steps to having Cervical Orgasms – Watch them below.


And please let me know in the comments below: Have you ever had a cervical orgasm and how did it make you feel? Or are you keen to discover your first one?

It is high time we ladies talk about this and wake up the most holy and ecstatic parts of ourselves.

Love, Layla

Join Obliss here!




9 steps to Ecstatic, Spiritual Cervical Orgasms

Cervical orgasms are incredible. They are a source of so much power and wisdom for you. A super highway to creativity, to feminine power, to feminine wisdom, and to states of high mystical and spiritual experience. But they’re hardly talked about in our culture.

The cervix is hardly seen as a sexual organ or a source of great feminine pleasure. And so that’s why I’m gonna share with you in this video, nine practical steps to bring this kind of cervical pleasure and experience into your life. So I’m Layla Martin, and this is the sexy revolution. This is the place to be. If you wanna have epic sex and legendary love in your life.

But first are cervical orgasms even possible?

We’re gonna put on our super nerdy science hats on. So researchers in 2004 were absolutely surprised to find that women who had severed spinal cords, who had been in an accident actually could achieve orgasm. They saw this in MRI brain scans through cervical stimulation.

Now, one of the cool things to understand is the clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings, but just one nerve, the dorsal nerve running up into the brain. Now the cervix actually has three nerves running up into the brain.

So even though the cervix might at times be less sensitive than the clitoris, once it goes off, there’s actually massive potential to light up the brain. So that’s why possibly there’s so much access to huge awakenings of creativity.

So how can you actually have one?

Let’s get practical; locate your cervix. The cervix extends down into the vagina from the uterus.

It’s actually the Latin name for it is neck because it really extends down and then there’s a circular end to it. So you can actually feel around the cervix and deeper into the vagina. So you can actually press into the vagina deeper around the cervix.

Sometimes in a non sexualized situation, you can actually reach up inside and touch and find your own cervix. That can be easier if you’re unaroused, because usually the cervix is easier, closer to the entrance of your vaginal canal, or you can have your partner also locate your cervix. If you’re trying to get your partner into bringing you cervical pleasure of cervical orgasms, sometimes it can be nice to give them the space to explore and locate that part of your body without a bunch of pressure at first, so that they know what it is, where it is and how it feels.

And then you can start to train them in what feels really pleasurable to you. You gotta touch it. So this might seem simple, but most women never actually stimulate the cervix during masturbation.

So there’s two main ways to activate the cervix. One is during your self touching. Now, the way that you would do that is through the use of a stone dildo, a crystal dildo, a silicon dildo, or any kind of dildo that you might use. You place it up inside the vagina and you can either just place it up against the cervix and then stimulate yourself in other ways. Or you can actually use gentle penetration or gentle movements that I’ll go over later in this video to stimulate yourself. Some women can actually touch their cervix during self-pleasure, but for other women it’s too far away.

The other main way to access your cervix is with your partner. So your partner can use their penis, a dildo, or their fingers to stimulate your Cervix. You’ve gotta be turned on. So you want your whole body to be sexually activated before you even think about approaching your cervix.

And sometimes it can take up to 45 minutes of cervical stimulation before you get the kind of pleasure and the deeply satisfying experiences that you’re looking for.

Know what causes cervical pain and numbness?

So the cervix actually responds to getting turned on by moving deeper into the vagina. So if you aren’t fully aroused and you try to touch or hit the cervix, it’s gonna feel either uncomfortable or even painful.

The other thing is if it’s too hard or too fast, anything can shut down the cervix. And finally, the cervix actually stores a lot of tension and a lot of emotional pain. So any history of trauma or breakup or sex that wasn’t so great for your body can actually be stored in the cervix and create a sensation of pain rather than pleasure.

You might need to de-armor or sexually heal the cervix. So just like if you carry around a lot of tension in your muscles all the time, and then you go to get a massage and a massage therapist touches you, it’s gonna be sore and painful.

The same thing. If you’re carrying a lot of tension around in your cervix, it’s gonna be sore and painful to the touch at first. So there’s a couple of different ways to release that soreness and tension. One is that your lover or a trained specialist could give you a cervical massage, which would consist of them slowly, allowing you to release that pain and tension through your voice, through your body, by breathing, feeling and expressing.

You can also do that yourself with a dildo. So it’s possible to release in the same style. And I go more into detail about that practice in my couples masterclass, which you can sign up for below if you’re interested to know what creates pleasure in your cervix.

So you might not have any idea what’s actually pleasurable to this part of your body. Now I’m gonna give you a hint, hard and fast is very rarely orgasmic to your cervix. So that might feel good to you during sex. Sometimes hard and fast can be an amazing sexual release, but it very rarely creates the right environment for the cervix to become orgasmic.

The cervix, much like your clitoris, is very responsive to slow, rhythmic and steady. So you can experiment with that with a dildo, with a penis or with fingers by bringing them all the way up to the cervix and doing slow circles around the cervix. You can actually just hold steady right at the cervix. And sometimes that’s enough to send you over into bliss. Sometimes you could do back and forth motions or very slow rhythmic, steady penetration.

So you can imagine slowing down normal sexual penetration to 1% of the regular speed and that might be the kind of stimulation that you need to get mind blowing pleasurable experiences from the cervix, or you can have your partner also locate your cervix.

If you’re trying to get your partner into bringing you cervical pleasure, cervical orgasm, sometimes it can be nice to give them the space to explore and locate that part of your body without a bunch of pressure at first, so that they know what it is, where it is and how it feels. And then you can start to train them in what feels really pleasurable to you, pay attention to your mindset and don’t give up. So being loving, compassionate, & positive towards your sexuality is really important and believing that it’s possible and giving yourself time. It can take months to actually rewire your brain.

Use other practices to awaken the sensuality of your body. So deep yoga practices, ecstatic dance, and using the Jade egg can all actually activate your entire body because a cervical orgasm is much more likely to become a full body orgasm than a clitoral orgasm. So the more that you’re used to having an open sensual body, the easier it’s gonna be to experience cervical orgasm, go out there, try all of this, let me know how it goes.

So thank you so much for being here. I know it takes courage and heart as a woman to make these kinds of changes in your life. Go ahead and let me know in the comment section below, have you had cervical orgasm before? How do you relate to your cervix or what kind of plan do you have to awaken and sensitize your ability to reach cervical orgasm?

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