VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Energy Orgasm – How to give a full body orgasm without even touching. – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Aug 26, 2015 7:00:00 AM

After filming this Vlog, my videographer said it was one of the most magnificent things he'd ever his whole life.

The other people in the room stood in silent awe.

What was happening?

I was showing how it is possible to give a woman an energy orgasm without even touching her.

I’m so excited to share it with you, but either watch it by yourself or with headphones, because it starts out pretty full-on!


PS: If you want to experience the magic of what your own female body is capable of, check out my Obliss program for women below. Enjoy!

Purchase Obliss here!



Energy Orgasm – Giving A Full Body Orgasm Without Touching

This is what a full body energy orgasm looks like. And this is totally possible for any person to experience. I’m gonna show you in this video, simple steps, you can understand the science behind a full body, energy orgasm. I’m Layla Martin. This is a place to be if you want to experience epic sex, legendary love and energy orgasms.

So we start off just breathing deeply together, and I’m just totally here for her for the entire session. I’m gonna give her all the space and time she needs to feel what she’s feeling and to express anything she needs to express to just feel herself as a woman. And I’m gonna encourage her to start doing what’s called a body meditation, where she’s gonna feel the sensations in her body and speak them out loud.

Um, I feel a tightness in my left ankle. My stomach feels really expansive right now.

I feel a lot of coldness on my left elbow.

Maybe a little tightness on my left shoulder.

So keep feeling the sensations inside of your body and now pick up your left hand, hold it. Okay. And if you can go ahead and start breathing deeply into your pelvic floor, I’m gonna place my hand underneath your neck. So you raise your head.

Okay. Perfect. As you inhale, you’re gonna feel any sensation inside your body and every single time you exhale, you’re gonna give that sensation a sound.

So it’s really important for her to breathe deeply and to sound on every single exhale. And with my hand, I’m just going to follow the energy of her body from her pelvis, all the way up to the top of her head. I’m not pushing her energy or trying to do anything. I’m just following the energy that’s already there. I’m touching her breasts to help ground her and keep her in her body. And I’m giving her this space to integrate the experience.

One of the things that touches me so deeply about this whole experience is like that’s inside every single woman. Like that’s what every woman in a sense is like hungering for, is that experience.

Yeah, it didn’t feel like I was even with my body or like, I just felt like my innerness was coming out, was just delicious and yummy. And thank you.

That’s my experience of feminine energy and sexuality. When a woman’s just allowed to be like, she’s not pushed, she’s not on any sort of agenda she’s just celebrated and anything that comes up. And that for me is just part of holding space.

Like wherever she goes, I’m just right there with her, with this sense of awe and gratitude and wonder. And it’s like, you can see us, like we kind of go on a journey together because it’s so, it’s interactive. And at the same time, so much just about being present, this is one of the more profound and powerful experiences of what’s possible in sexuality for people. And it’s just been an honor to share it with you.

If you wanna receive my exclusive sexy content that I only share via email, head on over to Sign up with your email address. Go ahead and share this on Facebook below, the more people who can experience full body energy orgasms the better. Go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel. And you might wanna check out this video next or this one.