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6 Steps to Exquisitely Sublime Full Body Orgasms – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Sep 23, 2015 7:00:00 AM

One of the most popular questions I get is about how to have full body orgasms.

And let me tell you they are exquiste, sublime and almost any other sexy adjective you can think of.

There are simple techniques to having one, which I will share with you below…

but the biggest key is in being able to say YES to all of your sexuality.

Think about this:

What would happen if you said…
YES to your body?
YES to your pleasure?
YES to your freedom?
YES to the truth of who you are?
YES to everything life has to offer?

What would your life look like then?

One of the keys to that YES is experiencing full-body orgasmic pleasure.

In this video, I’m going to break full body orgasms down for you in six simple steps (dressed sort of like a weird-superhero on a tree??) check it out below.


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6 Steps to Exquisitely Sublime Full Body Orgasms

When I’m in bed with my boyfriend and I am close to orgasm and I tense my legs and I hold my body and I just get this like spark of pleasure. And my clitoris, even when I have an orgasm, it’s brief. And it’s like, I’m pushing my pleasure out of my body. And it’s like, I’m saying no, no, no, no to life. I don’t even feel that good afterwards…

But when we’re in bed together and I relax against all of my conditioning to tense up to say no to my sexual pleasure when I relax and allow it up and through into my whole body, it’s like, I’m whispering, Yes, yes, yes, yes, to life. And the difference between saying no to life and saying, yes is massive. It doesn’t just affect how I feel in the bedroom. It affects every single aspect of my life.

Now the point of this is that orgasm doesn’t just have to happen in the head of your penis or the tip of your clitoris. It can be this full body cellular experience where every single cell in your body is orgasming. When I feel this it’s like, my DNA is making love to itself.

So this is a full body orgasm. And I’m gonna share with you six simple steps to turn your love making or your self-pleasuring into regular full body orgasmic experiences. I’m Layla Martin. This is a place to be. If you wanna experience epic sex, legendary love, and full body orgasms.

The first step is feel your sexual energy. Now, what is sexual energy? It’s the sensation of your turn on. It can feel like warmth or champagne bubbles, or like a fluttery sensation or tingles for some people. If you’re repressing or holding back your sexual energy, it can feel like a hunger or a pressure or something tight down inside. Now to create full body orgasm the idea is to keep your sexual energy, not just in your clitoris or in your penis, but to invite it, to move through your body.

So step two is know that you can move it. So this is half the battle. Most of us didn’t get taught that we were agents of our own sexuality. And knowing that you can actually move your sexual energy can open doorways of pleasure.

Step three, move it with your mind. So your mind is a powerful, powerful thing.You can actually consciously take that sensation, that sexual turn on in your body, and you can, will it to expand and move with your mind.

Step four, move it with your breath. So you can imagine you’ve got all this sexual pleasure. That’s starting to build up. As you get more and more turned on. If you hold it down in your clitoris or down in your penis, there’s actual tension and pressure inside of your belly, inside of your pelvis, that has to hold it down there. If you orgasm that way, you’re gonna have a brief explosion of pleasure, but it’s gonna short circuit quickly.

If you start to breathe deep directly into your pleasure, you’re gonna relax that tension. You’re gonna open up a pathway in your body. Your sexual energy is gonna start rushing in and up. And when you orgasm, it won’t just be localized.It will actually infiltrate every piece of your body.

Step five, relax deeply. So the more and more turned on you get the more, any habit patterns of tensing and holding down your sexual energy are gonna start to kick in. So you’ll start to tense your legs. If that’s your habit or hold your pelvis down, or just focus on the head of your penis.

But if you actually start to consciously relax open, you can actually overcome those habits and sink deeper and deeper into relaxation. What that’s gonna do is it’s gonna cause you to surrender to your orgasm.

Instead of having a localized orgasm, you’re gonna get this rush of pleasure that’s gonna infiltrate every single cell in your body.

Step six is move your sexual energy periodically as you get turned on. So as the passion starts to build, as the pleasure starts to build, you’re gonna be feeling more and more in your penis. You’re going to be feeling more and more in your clitoris and your vagina.

So what you want to do is imagine that there’s like a build up of gold happening as you get more and more turned on, but instead of letting that gold spill over and pour out of your body, which is what it will do, if you don’t distribute it, you’re going to use your mind, your breath and the power of relaxation to consciously take that gold from your clitoris and your penis. And you’re going to be moving it throughout your whole body.

So instead of an orgasm, looking like this, it will start to look like this.

So full body orgasm is a skill. It doesn’t happen overnight. If you keep working with and practicing these steps you’re gonna increase your capacity to have full body orgasm. Now, full body orgasm feels like tingling all over the body.

That’s the first stage as you start to get better and better at it, it will literally feel like you’re orgasming in different parts of your body. So let me know in the comment section below, if you said yes to life, if you said yes with your breath and your relaxation to your sexual energy, what do you think would shift? What could you have more of in your life?

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Thank you so much for being here. It is an honor to be able to share with you how beautiful and amazing the experience of full body orgasm really is.

Subscribe and then watch this video, or maybe this one.