VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

The Exquisite G-spot Pleasure Guide – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Mar 19, 2015 7:00:00 AM

I totally just found my new favorite word.


It’s Greek and it means:

1. To put soul, love and creativity into something.
2. To put ‘some of yourself’ into what you are doing.

…so beautiful, but there’s no translation for it in English.

It’s used to describe when you have left a piece of yourself in your art.

This captures for me the heart of a fulfilling sexuality.

It’s full of your unique soulful, loving, creative spirit.

So, how do you tap into that?

How do you fill your sexuality with soul, love and creativity?

By tapping the potential of your G-spot.

It’s not just a spot, it’s a whole world of pleasure and sensation that unlocks a certain “youness” in your sexuality.

And I’ve created an exquisite guide to fully accessing it in this week’s Vlog.

Discover beautiful practices to unlock all the pleasure and power of your G-spot below.


If you’re excited to discover more about the G-spot, I’ve been hugely inspired by the book ‘female ejaculation and the g-spot’ by Deborah Sundahl. I highly recommend it.

…and before you head off let me know in the comments below what was your biggest take-away from this video? I love hearing your feedback.


The Exquisite G-spot Pleasure Guide

Hey, welcome. Let’s talk about how you can get the most exquisite possible pleasure from your G-spot. Now, in the past couple of months, I kind of let the G-spot connection slide. I was focusing on other things. So I stuck, “reconnect with G-spot,” on my to-do list.

And I am so glad that I did, because I remember what an exquisite source of potential and creativity and emotional richness there is in regular G-spot stimulation. And that’s what I wanna share with you in this video, my top tools and techniques, how you can stimulate your G-spot, certain practices you can use to build up your orgasmic potential in your G-spot and ways that you can relate to and think about your G-spot that can totally transform how much pleasure this part of your body has to offer you.

So in mainstream culture, we have a bit of a mixed relationship to the G-spot. Does it even exist? Is it the source of amazing orgasms, female ejaculation, which is the fluid that will come when your G-spot is exquisitely pleasure turned on and you’re deeply relaxed, there’s even a mixed relationship to that.

Is it really hot and sexy? Is it kind of weird? Is it urine? We’re not really sure how we feel about the G-spot, but ancient cultures had amazing mythology around the G-spot and around female ejaculation. The ancients referred to female ejaculation as Amita or the nectar of the gods. And one of my old tantra teachers described it in what I thought was the most amazing way, which is that female ejaculation is actually the energy of the stars and the moon coming through a woman’s G-spot and transforming into liquid. Whew.

In 16th century Japan, they had a whole culture around female ejaculation, G-spot pleasure, where they manufactured these very specific vessels for collecting the nectar of a woman. When her G-spot was super turned on and the men would actually drink it for health and longevity.

So part of the reason I’m sharing this with you is so you can alter the mythology of your own relationship to your G-spot. How do you wanna think about it? How do you wanna feel about it, that will create the most possible pleasure and exquisite sensitivity in your life?

I’m Layla Martin. This is a sexy revolution. This is the place to be if you want to experience epic sex and legendary love in your life,

The first tool is to regularly stimulate your G-spot. So, one thing about the G-spot is because it’s inside the vagina, there can be kind of a psychological barrier to putting anything inside your vagina or touching yourself in there, or even fear or judgment around it.

So it can be easier sometimes to just stick with the clitoris when you’re selfing, but if you regularly involve your G-spot, you’re not only gonna activate it and sensitize it, but you’re gonna learn what feels really good.

So number two is understanding where the G-spot is. Now due to genetic differences about 75% of you are gonna have a G-spot that’s very close to the entrance of your vagina. It’s gonna feel so close that you’ll be like, whoa, is it really that close?

Another 18% of you actually have a G-spot that’s pretty deep inside of the vagina. And another about 7% of you are gonna have a G-spot that is very difficult to find, it’s much more subtle. And that variation in where your G-spot is located and how it feels can contribute to some of the confusion about, is there really a G-spot after all? There is, it just depends on you being able to specifically find it.

Now, what you wanna do is really turn yourself on. So the G-spot is really the female prostate, and that means it’s an erectile tissue. So it gets turned on when you get turned on, meaning that it grows, it gets more sensitive and it’s gonna be easier to find once you’ve turned yourself on.

You wanna slide a lubricated finger up inside your vagina, and you’re looking for the wall of your vagina. That’s more towards your stomach, not towards your back. And you’re gonna look for something that feels ripped like a Walnut or even that kind of bumpy part on the roof of your mouth.

Once you’ve found that, you’re going to want to number three, spend time finding out what feels amazing in the G-spot. Now the G-spot feels almost like an egg because the female prostate is a rounded structure. So it’s gonna feel kind of like there’s an egg and the inside that you can feel through the wall of your vagina.

And there are many different pleasurable things you can do with this egg. So I suggest sliding your finger back and forth across the egg. You can do circles around the egg. You can press or tap the egg. You can massage the egg. Go in and out deeply with your finger and you can slide your finger gently in and out along the egg, kind of like you’re lightly penetrating.

Now what’s really cool is you can create something which is called a blended orgasm, which is where you’re still stimulating and turning yourself on through your clitoris at the same time that you’re touching or tapping or massaging your G-spot. And you’ll develop a kind of a blended activation of pleasure between the two. Now, once you’ve done this for a while, I’m talking over weeks or months, you’ll be able to turn yourself on solely from touching the G-spot and experience a G-spot orgasm alone.

The next tool is realizing that you might need to release some anger or tension from the G-spot. So G-spots are really good at holding old, emotional garbage, and especially repressed anger and rage.

So if your G-spot doesn’t feel pleasurable to the touch, it might mean that you need to scream or roar or cry, or really kind of release some of those stored emotions that might be hiding in the G-spot and blocking your pleasure potential.

The next tool is to strengthen the muscles around your G-spot. Now we’ve all heard of kegels before, which involves squeezing right around your urinary canal, but to actually strengthen the muscles that will create G-spot orgasms is to squeeze not just your pelvic floor or right around your urinary tract, but actually just squeeze inside of your vagina.

So like you were squeezing more the walls of your vagina rather than the floor of your pelvis. So you can practice that regularly, both in the bedroom and out squeezing and releasing the sides of your vaginal walls. That’s also gonna sensitize and strengthen the tissues around your G-spot, making them more sensitive and more responsive in the bedroom.

So the next tool is to visualize your G-spot properly. Now, a lot of us have gotten mixed messages about what’s inside the vagina or how to even relate to your vagina that can feel medical or empty or dry. So I would encourage that when you’re touching your G-spot, visualize that you have this totally alive exquisite garden of pleasure, something really beautiful and erotic down there that’s just waiting to spring into orgasm. That kind of visualization can change your whole experience of your G-spot alone.

And the final tool is to relax, relax, relax. Now, when you start touching the G-spot, you might get the sensation that you need to pee more often than not, what that is, is your body’s gearing up to actually ejaculate.

Now female ejaculation is awesome. It’s real; something many, many women experience. And I’m gonna talk more about it in a later video because it’s a really deep and beautiful topic, but if you’re getting that sensation that you need to pee, that is one of the reasons I encourage you to do this exploration by yourself first so you can just relax into that sensation and see what happens.

You’ll probably end up having an amazing gush of liquid, which isn’t urine. It’s actually female ejaculation. And along with it, a deep sense of relaxation, but no matter what you’re feeling, when you’re exploring and stimulating your G-spot, you want to continuously relax into it and relax into it. And that’s the real cornerstone of awakening, really tremendous G-spot pleasure. So let’s all head off and go and create exquisite G-spot pleasure for ourselves.

But first let me know in the comment section below, what was your biggest realization in the video? What did you learn about the G-spot or what was the most meaningful thing to you? And go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you don’t wanna miss any of these videos every week, be sure to share this on Facebook below. So we get a world of exquisitely, pleasured women, and thank you so much for being here. I know it takes courage and heart as a woman to really step up and own your sexuality.