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Why my boyfriend is resistant to working on our sex life. – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Dec 13, 2015 8:00:00 AM

Do you have a partner that's resistant to working on your sex life as a couple?

My boyfriend Andrew is extremely suspicious of language like “sexual energy” or “sexual awakening.”

He’s also often resistant to doing the practices I teach, even though he knows they work.

I’ve usually had to convince and beg him to grow in this with me.

He is his own man. He makes his own choices. And he’s stubborn as hell.

And it’s been 100% worth it – he would tell you himself.

I love that he’s himself and he doesn’t change for me or anyone.

But he has learned to appreciate how much these tools work.

He even made the video below to tell you what he struggled with and what he got out of doing our epic lovers course.

Feel free to share it with your partner if you like.