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Using Sex Magic to Make Shit Happen – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Dec 2, 2015 8:00:00 AM

I'm gonna be totally honest with you, I almost didn't release this Sex Magic video to the public.

After my last Sex Magic video, all of the violent, angry cyber-individuals crawled out of the internet to trash and threaten me in the comments section.

They wanted me to know that I was an ugly, demonic, tool of evil and that I should be scared of them. And of going to hell.

Why were they so threatened?

Sex Magic is just a cool way to use your sexual energy to make what ever you desire in the world happen.

It helps you get clear on your desires and aligns your deep mind with making them a reality.

Can it be used for bad things?

Yeah. Like pretty much anything. People who want to do bad stuff are going to do bad stuff with or without Sex Magic. It’s that simple.

But all of us are denying a great beauty in life when we stay small and fearful of our power and our humanity.

When I do Sex Magic with Andrew – we align our desires as a couple and the sexual experiences literally bring me to my knees in gratitude and awe for the wonder of life.

500 years ago – people in power got to stop that kind of thing from happening.

Today, they don’t. And I will not live in fear..

Instead, we should focus on our capacity for love, beauty and magic beyond measure.

That’s what Sex Magic allows you to do, and that’s why I’m sharing it with you in this week’s video below.




Using Sex Magic to Make Shit Happen

Sex magic is this super powerful, sexy, creative way to have a shared intention with your partner and use the way that you make love together to make it happen in the real world. I’m gonna share with you how to do a basic sex magic process with your partner in this video.

How to get what you want. How to create an amazing rock, solid intention. How to make sure it manifests in alignment with what you desire and how to actually make the energy go deep and powerful so that your deep mind is on board with your desires.

I’m Layla. This is a place to be. If you wanna experience epic sex, legendary love, and super potent sex magic.

So I’m gonna share with you eight really simple steps for how you can create sex magic with your partner in this video.

The first thing to do before you even get in the bedroom is to create a shared intention as a couple. This is super important because you’re gonna create something together.

So what is it that you wanna create noq? This can be anything. My friends have actually used it to build a house. I’ve had friends use it to make vacations, to make more money, to be healthier.

You can use it for all kinds of amazing things. You can even change the way that you interact. You can make intentions for having better sexual chemistry for being kinder to each other, for having more amazing adventures.

So you wanna sit down together as a couple and make sure that you’ve got a shared intention.

Number two, you wanna get clear on if you got your desire, what would you hear? What would you feel? What would you see? What would you taste?

This is really important that the more that you can embody the experience of having your shared desire, the more likely it is to manifest.

Number three, set your alignments and alignment is how you want to get your desire. Now, whenever I create an intention, that’s gonna possibly affect other people, my alignments are, I want this to be for the greater universal good.

I want this to be in alignment with everybody’s deep truth and their true nature. I want this to manifest in the highest good of everyone it might affect. So if you’re making an intention that could affect other people or has anything to do with other people, make your alignment so that you’re not overriding anyone’s free will. If you’re overriding, someone’s free will that’s not sex magic. That’s called black magic.

Step four, calling the intention together before you make love. This is the part where you’re gonna step into the bedroom and start your sex magic ritual.

Step number five, you’re gonna start making love. You got this kid.

Step number six, start to move your sexual turn on through the seven major centers of your body. The reason that you’re doing this is you’re gonna take your raw sexual energy, and you’re gonna transmute it into a different form of energy.

As you move it through your seven centers, this is super important for getting your desire. Once you’ve gotten turned on, making love, if you’re a man, you’re gonna start breathing deeply into your penis. If you’re a woman, you’re gonna start breathing deeply into your cervix.

You’re gonna do this for about two minutes to really get the full deep experience of your turn on getting activated. And then you’re gonna start moving that turn on through your seven different energy centers.

You’re gonna do this with a combination of deep breathing and moving the sexual turn on with your mind.

So you’re gonna pull it up by inhaling first to the sacrum, then to the solar plexus, then to the back of the heart, then to the back of the throat, then to the occipital Ridge at the base of your skull, and then to the crown at the top of your head.

So you’re gonna spend about two minutes more or less at each of these centers, but you can do it at an organic pace.

Step seven. You’re gonna send your intention out to the world. So once you’ve gotten to the place where you’ve got that sexual turn on, going from the base of your body, all the way to the crown of your head, super delicious experience, you’re gonna look at your partner. You’re gonna know the time is right.

You’re gonna shoot that energy out the top of your head. And you are going to visualize what you’re seeing, feeling, tasting, having, when you get that desire. When your intention becomes real.

Then you’re going to one more time, repeat your alignments inside, to just give clarity for that intention.

Then step eight, you’re gonna let that energy fall back down through your body. Through the seven centers down through your head, the center of your forehead, the pit of your throat, your heart, your solar plexus, all the way back down into the base of your body.

You’re gonna feel your intention becoming manifested in the world. This is also a time to check in. If you have any resistance or you feel weird, you might not yet be fully comfortable with feeling worthy of, or allowing yourself to have what you desire.

So you might need to do more work to transform your ability to feel like you can have what you want afterwards. It’s lovely to cuddle and share with your partner about the experience.

Let me know in the comment section below, what are you gonna manifest with your partner?

So if you want exclusive sexy content that I only share via email head on to, sign up with your email address, share this on Facebook below. So you can get sex magic happening all over the world. And most importantly, go forth my sex wizards, subscribe to the YouTube channel.

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