VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

I bet you’ve never been asked this question… – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | May 27, 2015 7:00:00 AM

You might think this question is a little bit 'out there',

but stick with me, it’s super important for your happiness as a woman…

Do you love your pussy?

Really, truly LOVE her.

Sadly the answer for most women is ‘no’

Often your pussy (or whatever you like to call her) is completely taken for granted…

or worse, thought of as smelly, ugly or just not good enough.

With the pressures today on how she should look, smell and feel,

it’s harder than ever to have a happy pussy.

And an unhappy pussy often equals an unhappy woman.

So in today’s Vlog I’m sharing with you a simple exercise to completely transform your relationship with your pussy…

so she feels truly loved, happy and vibrant.

And you might be surprised at the pleasure she gives you back in return.


And let me know in the comments below, what’s the quality you’re going to bring to your pussy this week?

Love, Layla



I bet you’ve never been asked this question…

Communication in any relationship is absolutely essential. And the way that you talk to your pussy is no different. Now, a happier, healthier pussy translates directly to you feeling happier and more vibrant.

And I’m gonna show you in this video, one really powerful way to relate to her and to speak to her that’s gonna help her light up from the inside out.

So I’m Layla Martin. This is a sexy revolution. The place to come if as a woman, you want a life full of epic sex and legendary love.

So pussy talk is just as important as pillow talk. So there’s this whole cool new field called bio symbology that studies how the thoughts that you have actually affect your body biologically.

So if you have all these thoughts, like my pussy’s ugly, my vagina smells weird. Maybe I look weird down there. It’s actually gonna shut your pussy down biologically and physically. That’s actually going to dampen your hormonal health, your fertility, and your general vitality as a woman.

So the way that you talk to her, the words that you put inside of her actually have the power to either shut her down, numb her, and really kind of put a damper on your sex life, or they have the power to light her up, make her feel amazing and really turn on your hormonal engine as a woman.

So this practice I call the five star pussy talk practice and what it does is actually allows you to start creating the kind of ecosystem in your pussy that creates happiness in your life.

Now, what you wanna do is you want to do this practice once when you’re falling asleep at night and once right when you wake up in the morning. So part of the reason is because that’s easy to remember, but the other reason is that your subconscious mind is actually more receptive to information and transformation right around that time.

So as you’re falling asleep, what you’re going to do is you’re going to put your awareness in your pussy. So just like you can put your awareness in your heart, you drop it down into your pussy and you decide what’s the quality that you want her to resonate with, that you want her to have. Pussy, like things like passion, love, pleasure, happiness, beauty.

So if I’m going to make my pussy resonate with beauty, I would repeat beauty, beauty, beauty, over and over again. As I’m falling asleep, then when you wake up, you’re gonna feel into your pussy beauty, beauty, beauty, just like that.

And you keep going with this practice as many days as it takes until when you say the word beauty, your pussy actually feels like beauty. So it brings beauty inside of her. One thing about this practice is it can actually help you purify.

So at first you might go in and say beauty and feel anything but beauty or feel nothing or feel numb. That means that this practice is actually gonna change the resonance of your pussy, which can change your internal biology.

So you’re gonna keep going with it and keep processing until you get to a place where you say beauty and the pussy feels beauty inside. Once you get to that place, you can work with new and different words, continuously make a more positive, vibrant ecosystem inside of your pussy and a happy pussy equals a happy woman. So enjoy this practice.

So if you’re loving this content and you would like more tools and ways to create the kind of biology physiology and optimal hormonal health with your sexuality, that translates to feeling better in your life, then you’re gonna love my courses.

And if you’re feeling super courageous, then go ahead and let me know in the comment section below, what’s the quality that you are going to bring to your pussy this week. Thank you so much for being here and having the courage and the heart to create transformation in your life as a woman.