VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

My top ten favorite moments of 2015 with you… – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Dec 28, 2015 8:00:00 AM

This has been a wildly beautiful year that we shared together...

I wanted to wrap up by going through our top ten most amazing (and ridiculously fun) moments below…

Drumroll, please!! (Dun, Dun, Dun…)


That time I got the unpronounceable horror-virus, Chikungunya, and sent you pictures of myself sick in bed…

…I went delirious after 21 days of straight 103F/39C fever…

and you sent me so many emails telling me I was beautiful and that you loved me.

…my post on Facebook about how Andrew took care of me night after night as I sweat and trembled was the most popular post of the year.

All hail love!


That time I made a video on how to have Ecstatic, Spiritual, Cervical Orgasms (my first after being sick for so long…)


…and you all made it my first viral video…

…and lots of you had your firsts cervical orgasm, ever!!

YAY for cervical orgasms and the beauty of women!!


That time every nutcase on the internet crawled out to tell me I was going to hell for making a video on how to use sex magic to make more money…

…and you wrote me such beautiful messages of support and love; it made me cry.

In that moment I really felt that love was stronger than fear.

…and I knew in my bones that we are at the dawn of a new era…

…where the unique, witchy, beautiful souls who love freedom get to take their place as leaders…

…and set the new rules built on love and not fear.


That time we all ate wayyyyyy to many raw, organic aphrodisiacs…


…and were so damn grateful that we did. 😉


That time I made a video about how to really, truly, love your pussy…


…and it had so many youtube views I thought maybe people were getting tricked into thinking it was another internet cat video…

…until I read these comments…

…and I was like, Oh…hell yes…


That time I publicly masturbated a cucumber…

…so that you could give an outrageously awesome hand-job…

…and it worked so well!!


That time I thought, to hell with what people think and say…

I’m going to make a video that celebrates the real sexual capacity of a woman…


…and honors her power and pleasure…


That time 770 of you decided to rock the jade egg with me…

…and you never looked back!

“Dear Layla, I am so happy that I have taken the Jade Egg Pleasure Oh,la,la I have a whole new relationship with my body, it’s gift of pleasure and turn on and sensuality. It is beautiful and expressive to the degree I give it opportunity to radiate it’s fabulous nature. I now have the means through the many exercises to awaken and give gratitude to my pussy and all that it provides. So much pleasure to be known! And the breathing and sounding are now real parts of my orgasmic repertoire. More oh,la,la! I am feeling confident about welcoming a partner in to the sharing. Even at 64 I feel alive and vital and have so much turn on to relish in many levels. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and the heights of my orgasmic bliss! Love, Susanne”


That time we officially welcomed men into this space…


…and I hung out next to a giant talking penis to kick it all off.


That time I re-considered my true purpose on Facebook and you wrote me this…

Or that time I was afraid to release my next video and you posted support.

Or that time I shared about sexual healing and you actually went and did it!

And I can only say it like this:

Your love has melted the wound in me of growing up in a harsh world as a sensitive person.

I don’t know if this will sound cheesy, or if you’ll take it the way I mean it:

But I never thought it could be possible to experience so much love and beauty through a community of people like this.

Through the gorgeous things you are willing to write and post, and the ways you have chosen to evolve with me…

My faith in the beauty of human beings has been restored.

I am grateful for you.

I look forward to creating ways that we can share more and more, and support each other even higher.

I am so looking forward to 2016.

Happy New Year!

Lots of Love,
