VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

3 Unusual but sexy foreplay techniques – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Aug 19, 2015 7:00:00 AM

Deep intimacy. Lasting passion.

I want it. You want it.

So how do we make more of it??

In over two years with Andrew, sometimes our hurt feelings or schedule’s pile up and we don’t make love with the same intensity or vulnerability.

I crave the kind of sex where my heart cracks open and I’m taken as love herself in motion…

With a busy life that doesn’t just happen, in fact it’s one of the first things to go.

So in todays Vlog I’m sharing 3 different foreplays we use to get out of our minds and back into our hearts before sex.

We get pretty real in our sharing in this video so if you’d like an intimate peek into our relationship then watch the Vlog below.


Let me know in the comments what you thought of this little peek into our relationship or which foreplay you’d like to try out.

To your intimacy xx Layla



3 Unusual but sexy foreplay techniques

Hey, I’m Layla

And I’m Andrew

And we’re here to tell you about this really cool thing that we do called foreplay warmup. We don’t do it every single time we have sex by any means.

And to be honest, it’s something that Layla always suggests rather than me. Like I’m very into just regular foreplay. All of the things that, you know, you might have imagined, foreplay and oral sex and fingers.

And then, you know, so I’m always very resistant at the start to doing it. And, um, but I do find that, you know, once I actually do it, it’s, it’s amazing.

These foreplay warmups might seem simple, but they can produce amazingly passionate sex. And they’ll also kind of get you in the mood when you’re like, oh, I know I wanna be having sex with my partner, but maybe it’s been a while. Or I feel really tired. This sort of warm up can actually really make it feel very natural.

So the first foreplay warmup is called the setup. And what you do is you sit across from each other and you basically take turns, throwing out everything that you don’t want. So you think of everything that you don’t want in your sexual encounter or your date night, and you just toss it out.

So that would look like sitting across from each other. And it’s like, you imagine you’ve got a bubble around you and you’re just gonna toss everything you don’t want out of the bubble. And the more you really are in this exercise, the better it works.

I’m gonna toss out my shitty fucking day

I let go of trying too hard to have an orgasm

Fantasies and thinking about other stuff

I let go of feeling like I have to please you

I let go of any insecurities that I have about what I’m doing

I let go of thinking like I’m some great sex teacher, so I have to have sex a certain way.

So then what you do is you’re gonna call in what you do want. So I pull in a juicy sexual delicious connection to you.

I call in some fire or passion and energy.

I call in juicy, delicious multi orgasmic states.

I call in some wildness,

I call in feeling super connected to my pussy. And so usually from there, you just, boom, start kissing each other, start moving into foreplay like you usually would.


The second foreplay warmup is gratitude and love. I gave it and this one’s really good. If you’ve been struggling, if you’ve felt distant from each other, or you kind of feel worried or stressed about your sexuality, this might sound like it could be cheesy or over the top.

But I find every single time I work with couples, it really bonds them in this beautiful way. So you just start by eye guessing. So you just look into each other’s eyes, uh, and just go for like one or two minutes. It might feel slightly uncomfortable at first, but you’ll drop into it and then you’ll just feel it. And you’ll start saying, “I am grateful for…”, and you’re gonna take turns. And then you switch and say, “I love…” and whatever you love about your partner.

I’m grateful for the way that you take care of me.

I’m grateful for your sexy smile.

I’m grateful for how much you support me and make me feel loved. Even when I’m being crazy,

I’m grateful for how special and talented you make me feel and how strong and, and manly you are

I’m grateful for how central you are and how connected you are as a lover and how you were always just so there with me,

I loved that you are such an intelligent geek and you’re just so, I mean, you’re just so intelligent and so smart and so quick and snappy, and, you know, I find it hard to win arguments against you because you’re so fast.

And I love the fact that you do stupid things with me and wear dumb animal costumes

And then from there you move in and just start making love and kissing like you normally would.

I do feel like I feel a lot more connected now, like, you know, this exercise just really, really strengthens that bond and it reminds you of why you’re actually with that person.

So four point warmup number three is called soul breathing, and I’m gonna sit in your lap and you wanna make it so that your mouth is next to your partner’s ear. And you’re just gonna take slow deep breaths together.

And this goes really well if you put on an awesome sensual kind of sexy track to listen to and just breathe together for the duration of the song.

So thanks for tuning in and remember that it can take a little bit of work to put these into your sex life or make them a regular practice. So just think of, okay, let’s try one of these on Thursday night.

So let us know in the comments section below, which of the Fourplay warmups are you gonna give a go with your lover and let us know what excites you about it? What do you think it might make a difference in, in your sexuality? So here’s some amazing rocking, epic couple sex, have fun. I will see you next week.