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3 delicious tips to get wetter for sex – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Dec 8, 2016 8:00:00 AM

I’ve read ancient texts with epic devotion to the wetness that flows from a woman’s pleasure…

And yet so many women struggle with wetness…

“Am I too wet? Am I too much? Is that gonna ever dry?!?!”


“Am I wet enough? OMG does he/she think I’m not turned on enough?”

Yet, our bodies were designed to rain with pleasure…

And the sweetness of surrender.

I know Andrew loves it when I’m wet.

Slippery sex is amazing…

But wetness doesn’t always just come naturally for me…

It needs a little encouragement.

So in this video I’m sharing…

3 natural ways to work with your body to become more wet.

Check it out below.



3 delicious tips to get wetter for sex

I want to get wet. Let’s get wet. Oh, get me wet. <laugh> I want to get wet. Let’s get so wet. So, so, so wet.

So I want to share with you three natural ways you can use to get wetter during sex. So this isn’t to make you feel bad or ashamed. If you don’t get wet enough, it happens naturally during menopause or during hormonal shifts during your life. It can also be that you’re really turned on, but you just don’t get wet.

The scientific term for that is non concordance. And sometimes you can get super wet and not be turned on. But the reason I’m sharing this with you is because feeling really wet, feeling that juiciness, that deliciousness, that slipperiness can be super intoxicating, both for you and your lover, if it’s your style.

And also if you feel like your body’s not getting as wet as it used to, it’s nice to support and enhance the natural wetness that your body produces. So I’m Layla Martin. This is the place to be. If you want to experience epic sex, legendary love and amazing natural wetness.

Tip number one is to stimulate your A-spot. So the spot is deep inside the vagina on the same side as the G spot. So that means your vaginal wall that faces your abdomen. Now, legend has it that stimulating this area can produce loads of liquid, but what’s really important, whether you locate the spot or not, or whether that particular point works for you is that you actually stimulate the inside of the vagina.

So you want to use your fingers or the fingers of your lover, or even a sex toy to really pleasure the inside of the vagina, which can produce loads of natural wetness.

Tip number two, give it a little drama. So if you’re lying there and you’re worried about not getting wet enough, and then you start getting in your head, your body tends to freeze, or if you’re feeling judgmental about yourself, any of that sort of thing, or maybe you’re just not feeling that turned on.

If you’re not moving and you’re not into it, then your body’s not going to get wet. Now, the thing with the drama is you might not feel that turned on, but if you start circling your hips and making sounds and moving your body, your brain doesn’t actually fully know the difference.

So when you start getting into it and start playing as though you’re into it, all of a sudden it will become real. And the wetness will start to follow this. It isn’t about faking orgasms or faking your turn on, but it’s about giving your body a little bit of support to get into it for reals.

Tip number three, surrender to the sexual experience. Now I know this is a tricky one for most of us. The surrender for most of us is not something you just click your fingers and it happens, but it’s a process that you can learn to do over time.

So I’ve noticed when I’m there having sex with Andrew and I’m having a good time and I’m doing all right, like I get wet, but I don’t get that wet. And when I say yes to the sexual experience, when I say yes to being penetrated mind, body, and soul, when I invite the sexual experience so deeply inside of my body, I get wet to a really powerful and intense level.

So part of this is really scanning your body, noticing where you might be holding back, where you might be holding tension and consciously releasing it by deep breathing and willing yourself to let penetration happen.

So there’s a difference between showing up in the bedroom with a wall, right? And not feeling like you really get that moved by the sexual experience and opening yourself up and really flowing with and inviting the turn on the ecstasy, the connection, the penetration on a really deep level.

That’s the key to gushing, wetness that surprises and delights both you and your partner so much wetness. Yeah. Can I say that? Yeah.