VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Are All Women Lesbians? – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jun 1, 2016 7:00:00 AM

Sometimes when I’m walking down the street, I feel like shouting “You’ve all been lied to!”

I want to run up to people screaming, “You were born free! You were born highly sexual! You were born to live!”

(At this point in my fantasy, I’m being hauled off by the LAPD for questioning.)

The truth is, most of us have been told lie after lie about our sexuality.

It’s only now that the true story is emerging about our absolutely wild and beautiful nature as humans.

This is partly due to some courageous scientists asking truly groundbreaking questions and doing real research…

In the video below, I’m going to share with you some of their incredible discoveries.

These are the kinds of things that will send shivers up your spine….

We’re gonna kick it off with a surprising study that asks the question, “Are all women actually lesbians?”


Let me know in the comments below: how did this video make you feel? I’d love to hear your reaction.