VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Clitoris Stroking for Jedi Masters – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Mar 23, 2016 7:00:00 AM

Pure Pleasure.

Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Isn’t it just fabulous that a woman has a beautiful source of pure pleasure.

I, for one, am extremely excited.

But just like musical instruments, hearts, kittens and other sources of pleasure…

They can be approached the wrong way and it all goes terribly pear-shaped.

(Have you heard a piano poorly played? Have you been stonewalled by a cheated heart? Clawed by an adorable kitten?)

It’s all in the approach.

And sadly, the clitoris has been portrayed as a simple tool – touch her this way and she’ll do this.

But she isn’t a machine – she’s a thing of immaculate beauty – pure poetic pleasure.

And the wise know exactly how to whisper to her in wild ways.

How to touch her so she opens her delicious gateway.

This weeks video is dedicated to showing you how to activate her and invite her into higher and higher expressions of her purest pleasure.

Join me here for detailed instructions on how to stroke a clitoris in the most masterful of ways below.


Let me know in the comments section below: What do you wish more men and women understood about touching her?
To your pure pleasure,