VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

6 Unforgettably Electric Kissing Moves – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jan 13, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Ahhh kissing...

My first kiss* was with Renny in the 7th grade when someone dared him to kiss me during a parentless summer afternoon.

*awkward, shy

My first real kiss* was with the Italian, Thomas, on the streets of Florence. I was fifteen, but I told him I was nineteen and he held me up against a Renaissance wall and shoved his tongue down my throat.

*kind of hot, kind of too much tongue

My first electric kiss* was at Stanford during this weird thing called “Full Moon on the Quad” where you wander around drunk as a freshman and get kissed by a senior. I only know that he was an older football player and his kiss was full bodied as he gently grabbed my hair and rocked in the hottest rhythm with my mouth.


Holy Shitballs!!! That kiss was an unforgettable experience in and of itself. My whole body was on fire with liquid pleasure.

He disappeared off into the night…but I was forever changed…and his electric kissing technique stayed with me…

In this week’s video I’m going to share it with you, so you can have all those electric kisses of your own.



6 Unforgettably Electric Kissing Moves

So kissing someone can be the most vulnerable, intimate experience for me. I can feel shy or bashful or totally electrified. And I’m sure for you too, if there’s someone you’re really into, or you’re just madly in love with someone, the deliciousness of the kisses, the electricity of just five minutes with them is like absolute heaven.

But some of us forget to create that chemistry. We let our kisses go stale. We don’t treat our beloved with the same kind of passion and magic and presence as we do when we’re first falling in love. So this vlog is all about how to up the electricity of your kissing, whether you’ve been in a long term relationship or whether you just wanna knock your next kissing partner into the seventh heaven of ecstasy.

So I’m Layla Martin. This is the place to be if you want to experience epic sex and legendary love. So here’s a quick rundown of what not to do when kissing. So you’ve got the too stiff kiss, the much too hard kiss, the too much tongue kiss that basically sums up my first kiss on the streets of Florence with that Italian is pretty full on choking on his tongue, basically.

So what else not to do: too little tongue, too rushed kiss, or too much of an aggressive kiss. So now that we’ve covered what not to do, here’s all the most amazing stuff that you can do to create electric kissing.

Electric kissing tip number one, make the kiss, the destination. So instead of having kissing, be a means to an end or a way to get your partner into something more intense, let the kiss be the only thing happening in the universe.

Electric kissing tip number two, increase the sensitivity in your lips and your tongue. So if you bring total awareness into all the sensations, centimeter by centimeter millimeter, by millimeter, over your whole tongue, over all of your lips, you can really explode and expand the sensitivity and the sensation of the kiss.

Electric kissing tip number three, build a rhythm. So notice a wave or a dance or an energy that’s starting to form between the two of you. Let your lips commune, speak poetry, whisper to one another, and especially let them move together in a rhythm like your mouths are making love together.

Electric kissing to number four, use your hands. So hands through the hair on the neck, hands on the small of the back can make all the difference in the world and really turn up the volume on the electricity.

So what you especially want to do is be super aware of how you’re using your hands. Let them be passionate, firm and confident. Don’t let them flop around or meander. Really be as much in your hands as you are in your kiss.

Electric kissing tip number five, slow way down. So slowing down helps drop you and your lover into the moment. It sensitizes your lips, but it also really gives time for the chemistry and the emotion to build and be felt.

Electric kissing tip number six, play an amazing music track. So you can use music, either a track or a playlist to bring you into all kinds of different kissing vibes. This is an underutilized, but super effective thing to do.

If you learn to use music, you can actually make out to the rhythm of the music and go on a journey together that transports you through space and time.

So if you’re really excited about electric kissing, and you’d like to know more ways to really turn up the erotic volume with your partner, then you will love this book I wrote called epic sex. You can download it for free by clicking here, entering your email address, and I’m gonna send it right to you. All right, so I’m gonna finish this video so I can go kiss Andrew right now as quickly as possible. It was so beautiful sharing that with you. If you’d like more of these videos, then please go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel and you can check out this video next or this one.