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Going Down on a Goddess – 16 Sensual Steps – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jun 15, 2016 7:00:00 AM

The first time a lover treated me as a Goddess, I burst into tears.

To be seen as a powerful, magical, and beautiful being…

It felt true…

It felt vulnerable…

And it felt so incredibly amazing.

I was so sad for all the times I’d never experienced it.

This is the source of all amazing sexual experiences – looking at your partner with awe and wonder.

If you approach a woman as a Goddess when you go down on her…wow…

It can literally be life-changing.

People think that having excellent oral skills is just that – a set of skills.

But it’s way more about having an inner approach of sensitivity, love and even devotion.

And the skills help, too.

That’s why I’ve made this video for you.

It’s got detailed skills and how to get into the mindset you need to be a truly excellent lover.




Going Down On A Goddess – 16 Sensual Steps

I love talking to my girlfriends about how much they love receiving oral sex, because it is consistently one of the most orgasmic and pleasurable experiences. But so many of their partners just see oral sex as a means to an end, like a stop over on the path to intercourse. If you are offering your woman oral sex, but you’re kind of rushing her into intercourse, you’re not allowing her to drop into all that she’s capable of feeling.

So if you really set up the space, treat her like an absolute goddess and make oral sex a main event. You’re not just going to be giving her an orgasm, but you’re going to be offering her one of the most incredible sexual experiences of her life. So if that’s an experience that you would love to offer, then this video is just for you. I’m Layla Martin. This is the place to be. If you want to experience epic sex, legendary love, and going down on a goddess.

In this video, I’m going to be giving you a super elaborate detailed process. Nothing’s left out of how to offer this truly rocking experience of going down on a goddess.

Step 1, set the space. So you’re going to create an absolute temple for this woman. You’re going to light candles, put on some incense, make it smell beautiful. Choose a rocking playlist, put something down, really soft and fuzzy for her to lie on. And I know some of this sounds cliche. You might have heard it before, but even when me and my girlfriend were thinking this up, we were thinking about it. And we were like, yeah, that sounds really amazing. So it absolutely works to make a woman feel really special and really held.

Step 2, feel this woman as a goddess from the moment she walks in the door, you’re looking at her as the goddess. You’re feeling her body, her energy, the life within her as an expression of the goddess.

If this is something that challenges you then make it a daily practice, every single woman that you encounter throughout your day, you recognize the goddess within her, her power, her vibrancy, her wisdom, her magnificent essence, and really seeing her as a force of nature.

Step 3, feel her vagina as the embodiment of the goddess. It’s literally the temple of the goddess within her. An ancient tantra. The vagina is seen as the home, the source, the soul of the goddess embodied in a woman.

Step 4, make her feel like a goddess. One of the quickest ways to do this is to whisper in her ear. Tell her what’s beautiful about her, what you love about her, what you’re grateful for about her.

Step 5, you’re going to bless her with your kisses. So really feel your kisses as a blessing, kissing her neck, her face, her breasts, her heart, her belly, her pelvis, her inner thighs…

Step 6, you’re going to give thanks and praise to her whole body. So you can start rubbing from the top of her head with your hands all the way down slowly, each part of her body giving thanks, praise and worship just like you would to a gorgeous, beautiful temple.

Step 7, spend a lot of time slowly kissing her entire vulva. So you’re going to want to lightly oil up your hands, spread the oil over her inner thighs, her entire vulva, and begin slowly. Lusciously kissing every single bit of her skin.

Step 8, is sipping from the fountain. So you’re going to lick slowly with a flat tongue all up and down, her inner and outer vaginal lips over her entire C network.

Step 9, dance around the whole area. So you’re not just going to focus on the CLI glands, but on the entire area, really make sure to spend time on each of her vaginal lips on her inner thighs on her entire pelvis, focusing on the whole entire area goes so slowly spend so much time awakening her really builds up the excitement in anticipation.

Step number 10 is to pause at the honeysuckle hood. So this is one of the most sensitive parts of her body. Circling around the clitoris glands. You can do circles with your tongue. You can lick up and down and really make sure that you apply medium pressure. Don’t start going hard or fast at this point. Really go slow and steady with circles and strokes.

Step 11, stay consistent and steady with one stroke. So you really want to tune into her body and feel what’s working for her, but then don’t go switching it up or trying lots of fancy tricks, go slow, steady, and consistent. Really pick one thing that’s working and stay the course.

Step 12, escalate her turn on. So you’re not pushing her towards orgasm. You’re still awakening, inviting her body into pleasure. At this point, if she’s really turned on, you’ll be able to feel that the tip of her clitoris is actually getting harder and it’s growing.

It can feel really delicious to swing your tongue left and right across the tip of the clitoris. Keeping in mind that every woman is different. Every moment is different. So feel into whether this is working for her body.

Step 13, slip a finger inside. So at this point, if she’s really turned on, you want to feel whether she’d be open to penetration, you can do this by placing your finger slowly, right at the entrance to her vagina. If she’s ready to be penetrated, she’ll moan, she’ll swivel her hips. She’ll actually start to pull you inside. If that’s the case, you want to slide your finger inside. And it’s really delicious here to stroke her G-spot. So you’re going to look for the piece of tissue that’s on her vaginal wall facing her stomach. And you’re going to feel like a rib type feeling and you’re going to stroke in and out, slow and steady with your finger.

So you can offer her a blended orgasm by activating her honeysuckle hood with your tongue and simultaneously activating her G-spot with your finger. Now, if she doesn’t call your finger in, then don’t penetrate her. Some women won’t be ready for this. And you can actually sort of ruin the experience for her if you penetrate her when she’s not ready.

Step 14, get into a rhythm dance with her body, move with her body. You’re dancing with the goddess, drop in, feel her. If she’s really loving something, stay with it, stay the course, switch it up only very occasionally

Step 15, place a hand on her heart. So as she’s getting close to orgasm, or as you’re experiencing a peak level of pleasure together, if you reach up and place a hand on her heart, it invites her into a more extended pleasure experience and can allow the sexual energy to move up, expanding her experience of love.

Step 16, give her space for integration. So when you feel the experience that subsided, you can either give her space to just be with herself or you can cuddle and kiss her. You can share about the experience. The important thing is to allow her to feel held after opening so deeply with you. You can also thank her and give thanks to her vagina for all of the beauty and pleasure it offers. So going down on a goddess is mostly about mindset, how you approach her, how you feel about her, how deeply you can connect to her body.

Who goes down on a goddess, a God, if you really want to engage with your partner in this, it can be beautiful to excite her to titillate her to let her know it’s coming. So I encourage you to go ahead and text her now and let her know that you’re going to be setting up something super spectacular for her later on.

So if you’re interested in creating more outstanding sexual experiences with your partner or lover, then check out my free book, epic sex. It’s going to show you how to create really mind blowing sexual experiences in lots of different flavors. So thank you so much for being here for taking the time to bring pleasure to the goddesses of the world. If you really enjoy this content, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and you can check out this video or this video next.