VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

My STD Story – #IAmNotAshamed – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Aug 2, 2016 7:00:00 AM

I was running two weeks ago and I got one of those moments of truth and clarity that swept through me like a river…

I saw so clearly that:

The biggest force holding you and me back from our own greatness…

The biggest force pinning down the total awesome potential of our relationships…

The biggest force repressing the magnificence of our sexuality…

Is shame.

Shame, as Brene Brown says, is one of the most toxic, destructive and lethal things.

It makes us feel unworthy of love and belonging.

And when it comes to sexuality and the body, oh mama, do we have a s***load of it!!

So, as I was running, I asked myself, “How can we all have less shame?”

“What can I do to lessen this burden on all of us?”

It was so clear to me that shame only exists in the shadows…

When we all collectively agree that it shouldn’t be spoken about because it’s so…shameful…

So I decided to make a series of videos where I share with you my own personal experience of something that society says “should be shameful.”

But I’m gonna look everyone in the eye and share it with openness and vulnerability.

So, if you’ve been where I’ve been, you can jump in and feel less shame.

This topic?

My STD!!

Oh wow, so many people write me so full of shame and fear around having an STD.

And you know what’s craaaazzzyyyy?

I literally do not know a single person who has never had an STD.

And I know a lotta people.

We’ve all been there.

But I’m not gonna give you the overview, or the medical perspective. I’m just gonna tell you what I had, and what it was like.

Cause I had an STD.

And #IAmNotAshamed

Afterwards, if you support this movement, and you don’t think anyone should ever have to feel shame around having an STD….

Post in the comments section below #IAmNotAshamed

It will help this spread, and it’s a powerful declaration.

To us all living with a little less shame and a little more love.
