VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Why Sexual Energy isn’t just for crystal covered hippies. – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Sep 15, 2016 7:00:00 AM

I remember the first time I experienced “energy” as a real phenomenon.

I was nineteen in my first ten-day Vipassana meditation retreat.

It was day six.

My butt was firmly planted on that cushion.

And every cell in my body melted into liquid ecstasy.

I was more energy than I was human (or something like that).

So, when I started to hear about “sexual energy” and all the amazing things you could do with it per the ancient Taoist tradition…

it made total sense to me.

For a lot of people…

“Sexual Energy”
“Crazy woo-woo nutso speak for peeps without jobs”

And I get it.

In the last few decades people who talked a lot about sexual energy also tended to use a lot of marketing that looked like the LSD love-child of crystal balls and tie-dye socks.

(Like my pic above… 😉)

I’m not really sure why, but I can see why it put some people off of the topic entirely.


Sexual energy is exactly like love.

You can’t register the phenomenon scientifically. You have to look at the effects and trust when people say they are feeling it that it’s real to them.

We grow up around people who talk about love and feel love.

But if we grew up in a dystopian society without love…

It might feel like a strange, crazy…

dare I say…hippie concept…

And if, just because some people who fall in love act a little crazy…

You decided to shut-down to the whole concept of love for your whole life…

That would be truly sad.

I feel the same way about sexual energy.

It’s the same amazing inner quality as love…

but basically for sex.

It just makes everything so much better.

And there are so many cool things you can do with it that I’m sharing with you in this video.

Check out 3 amazing ‘non-hippie’ uses of sexual energy below.