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Porn: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jul 27, 2016 7:00:00 AM

I’ll be honest and say that porn hasn’t really been a big thing in my life.

I mean, once in a blue moon I’ll search something up on the Internet.

And once I had a look at my ex-boyfriend’s saved files.

And there were those times in high school…

where we would ditch last period, get stoned and have “porn-afternoons”….

And even though it’s thrilling, I also find myself wondering…

“How did that woman feel when she went home after that day of filming?” and I never feel super awesome in my stomach afterwards.

BUT I know that porn plays a HUGE role in our society.

It is literally shaping the way we make love.

It is a daily thing for hundreds of millions (billions?) of people.

It creates stress, toxicity, and distrust in many relationships.

And loads of people LOVE it.

So, I thought it was time to take a good look at porn.

Not from a right/wrong sort of angle. Just an…open conversation.

An existential curiosity about…porn.

The good, the bad and the ugly.

Afterwards, let me know in the comments section: How do you feel about porn?

The most important thing is that we talk about it openly and not judge each other…