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My Friends Had Sex For 8 Hours…Here’s How – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jun 30, 2016 7:00:00 AM

I often find myself in pretty ridiculous conversations…

like one that happened a few weeks ago.

I was at a dinner, and the founder of a tech incubator was asking me about Tantra.

Doing my due diligence, I emphasized how Tantra is “an ancient enlightenment tradition with many lineages operating on a base of yoga and meditation”…for about five minutes.

He looked thoughtful for a second before asking me…

“So how long can someone have sex for?”

“Um, my friends once had sex for eight hours,” I offered.


He screamed and stood up, shushing everyone at the table.

“Layla can show you how to have sex for eight hours!”

“What?” exclaimed the other people at the table.

“She’s a Tantra teacher,” my friend said knowingly.

“Is this true?” the lawyer next to me asked.

“Yeah, I mean, yes,” I said, a little sheepishly.

“I want to know how to have sex for eight hours!”

Everyone at the table agreed.

So I told them…and they were in awe of the frivolous, playful celebration of it all.

and now I’m sharing it with you too.

Check out how below.


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