VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

A Tantric Experience For One – A.K.A The Tantric Selfie – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Nov 16, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Given my job, people seem to be really curious about what I spend my time doing.

I think the underlying question is, “How weird does it get? And how often, Layla?”

Most of the time it probably looks a lot like you.

I love coffee. I love running.

There is nothing better than a few of my best friends over for a laugh.

And, yes, I regularly do Tantric Meditations.

By myself.


To me, it’s like getting high on life.

Colors are brighter.

Music sounds better.

I feel like life matters and I’m making the most of my precious time here.

People tend to think that Tantra is something you can only do with a partner.

And that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Tantra is just like Yoga, or music, or surfing…

It’s a portal into something totally amaze-balls and you can do it all by yourself.

So I’ve made a video showing you a 10-minute Tantric practice you can do alone.

In it you’ll learn:

  • A stress-busting technique that works in minutes
  • A super sexy way to get tingly and energized
  • How to use Tantra in a very practical way to feel amazing

Experience the solo Tantric Meditation below.


Let me know how you felt in the comments below…I LOVE hearing all of your stories about how each vlog affects you.



A Tantric Experience For One – A.K.A The Tantric Selfie

So I made this video for you because so many of you wrote in asking me, can I practice tantra by myself? And you absolutely can. In fact, the vast majority of tantric practices are meant to be done alone.

It can be challenging to find good tantric practices to get them out of books or even hunting on the internet is not easy. So I wanted to give you something that you can do before or after your yoga practice.

So I’m Layla Martin. This is the place to be. If you want to experience epic sex and legendary love.

So in this video, I’m going to show you exactly how to do this practice, but I’ve also included two audio tracks below that you can click through to one for men and one for women so that you can do this practice daily at home.

So the first phase of this practice is shaking. So as you do this shaking, you want every single part of your body to be shaking. You’re going to inhale deeply as you shake and as you exhale, you’re going to let any kind of organic sound come out of you on every single exhale.

Now, this sound is super important. It could be guttural, it could be animalistic. It could be wild. It could be soft and angelic. All that matters is that it’s real to you.

What this shaking practice does is it allows you to liberate yourself. So one of the things that causes us so much suffering is when we get into this rigid brain pattern, we can get stuck on things and just lose over and over again.

What this shaking does is it ends up liberating your brain from those rigid patterns, allowing you to experience more freedom, moment to moment, and to let go of any emotional baggage from the past.

For the second phase of this practice, you’re going to be seated in a meditative position. You’re first going to work on an activation of your energy from the root center. And you’re first going to bring awareness to your perineum as a man or your Cervix as a woman, you’re going to visualize a ball of light a sphere right at that place.

So you’re going to feel this sphere of light and allow it to grow and expand until it surrounds your entire pelvic area. You’re going to feel your primordial sexual energy inside of it.

What this means is just feel the sexual turn on the sexual aliveness that is part and parcel of being a human being. Let yourself just acknowledge it, make it okay. Say yes to it and then let that ball shrink back into the perineum as a man or the cervix as a woman.

So start from a place of total self love and acceptance. As soon as you feel yourself, grounded in love, you’re going to inhale that ball of light from the perineum up to the back of the sacrum.

And then you’re going to exhale that ball down the front of your body, back to the perineum. You’re going to create this loop over and over.

Now, as you move the ball up towards the sacrum, you’re going to feel an increase of water, sensual, sexual energy. So what’s happening is this ball of light is actually bringing energy, turn on, aliveness, sexuality, into other parts of your body.

You’re then going to switch and breathe that ball from the perineum up the back of your spine, to the level of your solar plexus, you’re going to breathe that ball forward down the front of your body.

As you do this, visualizing an increase in power, fire and will. Letting that ball fill up this whole section of your body with this vibrancy.

You’re then going to inhale from the perineum up to the back of the heart, exhale front and forward down the front of the body. You’re going to feel this ball of light enhancing love, air, and compassion through your entire chest area.

You’re then breathing this ball of light from the perineum up to the back of the throat and down through the front of the body. As this happens, feel this ball increasing the amount of space, a connection to metaphysical, openness to high Jesus.

Then breathing this ball all the way up to the center of your brain. As you exhale, bring it down the front of your body. Some people like to touch their tongue to the roof of their mouth to facilitate this movement of energy up and down the entire body.

Now, as the ball comes up into the brain, visualizing an increase in meditative awareness, expansion, and ability to move beyond duality into greater and greater truths.

Finally breathing the ball all the way up the back of your spine to the crown at the top of your head, exhaling, feeling that ball moved from the crown of your head all the way back down your body.

You’re now feeling an increase in spirituality in heightened awareness, in the activation of your deepest and truest self.

Really feel that ball coming all the way back down the front of your body, make it real and let it come back down into the perineum.

Then going to finish by feeling all of this energy activation, bringing it from the top of your head with your hands step by step from the crown down to the center of your brain, down through your throat, through your heart, through your solar plexus, your belly all the way back down through the sacrum and feel it really solidify at the base of your body.

Feel roots, grow from your perineum or your cervix all the way down, all the way into the center of the earth. Feeling that you’re able to be fully buzzing, alive, radiant with sexuality and life will also be super grounded and connected to the earth.

At this point, the practice is totally complete. So you’ll find a change in your awareness and how you go about your day after doing this practice.