VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

A Fun Tantric Experience – You Can Try Tonight – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jul 13, 2016 7:00:00 AM

The whole reason that I do what I do is that…

I LOVE it when you get a taste of your own sexual bliss…

I LOVE when you get lost in ecstasy….

I LOVE when you remember that existence is crazy, wild, & exuberant when you just scratch a tiny bit beneath the “normal” surface.

Those experiences become more possible the more that you DO the things that get you there (rather than just talk about doing them!).

So here I tell you about a detailed Tantric experience that you can try tonight.

I not only describe the simple practice in the video below, but also I’ve made an additional 15-minute follow-along practice video for you to do with your partner tonight…or any other night.

It’s an exquisite practice, and it really helps you understand, “What is Tantra?”

Because Tantra is to be experienced as much as anything else.

Have a fabulous night!! 😉

PART 1 – Introduction and Demo


PART 2 – Follow-along practice to try tonight…or any other night 😉



A Fun Tantric Experience – To Try Tonight

I’m going to share with you an amazing tantric experience that you can do this evening with your lover or partner. It consists of three tantric tools that I’ll be guiding you through.

So many people ask me, why would I want to have tantric sex?

You want to try tantric sex, if you want to experience sexuality, come fully alive inside of you. If you want to know the kind of relaxation that puts your soul at peace, if you want to experience sexual ecstasy that connects you to high levels of genius creativity, even to spiritual realms, people think that can be a little bit crazy, but if you think about it, it’s the same reason that we drink alcohol or smoke pot, or even take psychedelics, it’s because we long and hunger for those kinds of rich experiences anywhere else in life.

The coolest thing about tantra is it gives you access to that kind of richness while you’re totally sober with no hangover. So I’m going to share with you exactly how to access that in this video. I’m Layla Martin. This is the place to be. If you want to experience epic sex, legendary love and amazing tantric sexual magic.

Step number one, create beauty in your environment. This can sound easy or cliche, but lighting a few candles, putting on some delicious music, really paying attention to making the room seem alive and luscious can transport you from everyday sexual reality into something special.

Step number two, chakra breathing. You’re going to sit on the bed across from your partner in a comfortable position with your mouth relaxed. You’re going to breathe in and out of your mouth, gently rocking your body back and forth. You’re first going to breathe in and out of your root chakra, in and out of your sacral chakra, in and out of the solar plexus, in and out of the heart center, in and out of the pit of your throat, in and out of the third eye, in and out of the crown chakra.

Now, if you start to feel resistant, it starts to feel tired, or you start to have an emotional experience that you don’t want to have. What you want to do is relax your belly, open your chest, breathe more fully and deeply, and even allow yourself to sound or get a bit wild. Chakra breathing allows you to set yourself free, get out of all the contractions and rules and things that you’re thinking in your head into a higher state of liberation.

Step number three, cosmic breathing. I love this one. So you’re going to inhale from your pelvic floor up to the top of your head. You’re going to exhale from the crown of your head up into the universe. This breathing really allows you to enter a sensitized state, a more alive state. It’s going to allow you to feel sexual experiences much more deeply.

Step number four is eye gazing with high level emotions. So you’re just going to stare into your partner’s eyes. You’re going to allow yourself to feel wonder, awe and gratitude. Use this exercise as a time to really strengthen your emotional muscle and be able to choose right now. I’m going to feel awe at the fact that we’re even here on this planet, circling a ball of fire, and we’re about to have sex feeling wonder that your partner exists at all feeling gratitude for this moment.

After that, you’re going to move into love making so you can make out, touch each other, just allow yourself to be natural and experience whatever comes alive.

So if you want to experience that fully, I’ve created an easy 15 minute video, right after this, you can just hit play on it. And I’m going to walk you through the entire process so that you can do these tools and experience tantric sexuality with your lover.



A Fun Tantric Experience – 15 Minute Follow Along Practice

So you’re seated across from your partner in a comfortable position. And you’re going to take a moment to just drop into the three mindsets of tantra that will really help you during this practice. The first is to let go of expectations.

So don’t spend this time looking to experience something or hoping that you feel something, just be incredibly present, curious, and attuned to whatever you’re feeling. Moment to moment.

The second mindset is to let yourself feel uncomfortable or strange or a little weird or a little silly. Those are signs that you’re breaking down your conditioning, your rigid approach to life in a way, and that you’re expanding your boundaries.

If you find yourself feeling a little silly, that’s okay, life is short. Keep going, keep doing it anyways. You’re going to find that it’s a portal to experiencing more freedom, more love, more joy.

And the third mindset is to make this a sacred space. So have the intention that you’re allowing something deeper, more potent, uh, in reality, to reveal itself during this experience, if that doesn’t really make any sense to you, that’s okay. Just be open, be curious that something could happen that may be beyond what you’ve experienced or known so far in your relationship or in your sexuality.

So you’re going to go ahead and begin the chakra breathing process. So you’re going to start rocking back and forth. Lightly, really pay attention that your pelvis is rocking back and forth. You’re going to open your mouth, relax your jaw. You’re going to inhale as you rock forward. Exhale as you rock back, inhale as you rock forward, exhale as you rock back and you’re going to start by breathing in and out of your entire pelvic area.

Pelvis – So really think that you’re breathing in and out of your pelvic floor, in and out of the space between your hips. Keep rocking forward, inhale, rocking back, exhale, and go ahead and do this until I tell you to change.

Sacrum – You’re going to continue rocking forward and back breathing now in and out of the sacrum area. So think of your tailbone all the way to the front of your pelvis and your entire lower belly, letting your breath go in and out of this area.

Solar Plexus – Now you’re inhaling in and out of your solar plexus all the way from the solar plexus back to the spinal area.

Heart – Inhaling in and out of your chest, feeling your heart all the way back to your spine.

Throat – inhaling in and out of the throat. Think of the pit of your throat all the way to the back of your neck inhaling in and out of your brain.

Third Eye – Think of your third eye, the back of your skull,

Crown – inhaling in and out of the crown of your head, the area around the top of your head.

And you’re now going to let energy fall from the crown. From the top of your head, from the universe, all the way down through the crown of your head, through your skull, all the way through the pit of your throat, through your chest and your heart, your solar plexus, and your belly, your pelvis, your hips, all the way down through your pelvic floor and down into the earth.

And you’re now going to begin cosmic breathing with your partner. So you can either sit in yab-yum, or just continue sitting across from one another. You’re going to try and synchronize your breath if possible. So you’re going to inhale from your pelvic floor all the way up to the crown of your head. You’re going to exhale from the crown of your head all the way into the universe.

So on that exhale, you’re going to visualize like you’re shooting your breath out into the stars, into the galaxy, into the cosmos. So you’re inhaling from your pelvic floor all the way to the crown of your head; exhale from the crown of your head, into the universe.

And now you’re just going to gaze into your partner’s eyes. So with your eyes open looking into your partner and just allow yourself to be natural, feel your entire body. It can help if you’re getting lost in thoughts to really feel yourself breathing in and out of your lower belly.

As you’re looking into your partner’s eyes, you’re going to experience exalted emotional states. So allow yourself to experience gratitude, gratitude that you’re alive in this moment. Gratitude for your partner, gratitude for your breath, gratitude that you get to be here doing this amazing Tantric experience.

You’re also going to channel the exalted emotion of awe, awe at your love for your partner, awe at the fact that you’re alive, awe at the fact that you can even be here experiencing this moment and just continue to focus over and over again on the emotions of gratitude. Awe and wonder as you gaze into your partner’s eyes.

So the guided part of this experience is now complete. You can do whatever feels natural so you can hug and kiss your partner. You can move into making out. You can move into lovemaking, whatever feels organic to you in this moment.