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The Jade Egg – #PUSSYPOWER& PLEASURE – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Oct 13, 2016 7:00:00 AM


Pussy is having a moment.

She’s always having a moment, but right now, she’s really making headlines.

I don’t know how you feel.

I feel disgusted and horrified. I felt indescribably sad for every pussy who has ever been treated that way, including my own.

I really feel for my sisters who lived when that was acceptable – when it was met with silence and suffering rather than outrage. And I really feel for my sisters who live where it is still acceptable today.

And I see how far many of us have come in protecting her. In standing up for her safety and her autonomy.

I also know that is a two-sided coin.

Because as much as she deserves safety and power: she also deserves pleasure.

A truly healthy woman has both.

You could say some people have made a life out of abusing pussy.

I’ve made a life of supporting her to thrive.

So I couldn’t be prouder of all of us – both men and women – that have made that choice ourselves to join in this movement in our own way.

To stand up for her safety, empowerment AND pleasure.

We all deserve that.

So below, I’m sharing a video that I made before all of this madness that shows you how to use the jade egg for experiencing more pleasure during sex.

I’ll break down why this works scientifically and also give you the four crucial moves you can use to make this work for you.

She needs safety and power so she can experience all of her pleasure.

Let us not rest until everyone respects this as a woman’s right.