VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Vaginal Weightlifting 101 – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Feb 24, 2016 8:00:00 AM

In today’s video, I want to de-mystify a practice that loads of people have been talking about: “vaginal weightlifting” with the Jade Egg.

And wondering…how do I do it?

And what are the benefits?

Girl, I got you.

If you want rip-roaring orgasmic pleasure, super strong and svelte pussy-muscles and natural health and balance in your V-spot, this video is for you.

{Or if you just wanted to watch me lift a small fan beneath my skirt. That’s also a perfectly good reason to watch this video!)

This is a detailed, step-by-step process if you are curious or want to get started today.


If you’re excited about this practice say “YES!” in the comments below.

Need a Jade Egg? I can hook you up with a super high-quality Egg here.


Vaginal Weightlifting 101

Periodic vaginal weightlifting is the perfect accessory for the modern woman. Do you wake up feeling groggy, grumpy, and slow lifting a heavy object with your vagina is better than coffee girls, and there’s no calm down or yellow teeth.

Periodic vaginal weightlifting creates what I call your pussy of steel. What can you do with a pussy of steel? You can make one hell of a Teddy.

You can even lift heavier objects with your pussy, but not too heavy. Boyfriend thinking about porn again, you can squeeze the hell out of his penis till all he can think about is you and the pain.

OW, what the hell was that? Just joking.

Vaginal weightlifting isn’t about lifting heavy objects or causing your boyfriend pain. It’s a seriously amazing way to have him go over the top. Orgasmic pleasure, a powerful mind body connection with your pussy and to activate the kind of sexual vitality and passion that makes your body sparkle and your relationship amazing.

In this video, I’m going to show you how to do basic weightlifting so you can get started today. All right, let’s lift some pussy weights together.

So step one, you want to have your jaded egg. So you need a jaded egg made of high quality stone that is drilled all the way through. Now, this is where size comes in. A larger or medium sized egg is going to be easier to lift weights with because you don’t have to work as hard to hold the egg in.

If you have a smaller egg like this guy, that’s more advanced. So your muscles are going to have to work harder. You’ll get trained harder and you’ll end up with stronger pelvic floor muscles. If you’re a beginner, starting with a medium egg is absolutely perfect.

f you have a really weak pelvic floor, or if you’ve recently given birth, you might want to try a larger egg. And if you’ve already been doing Jade egg weightlifting for a while, you can move to a smaller egg step.

Number two, you want to prepare your weight so you can either buy pre-made weights, like these guys off of Amazon. These are really fun to use and work with the lighter the weight in color, the lighter the weight is to lift.

So you start with the lightest weight, and then as you get better at training yourself, you work up to the heaviest weight, which is the darker color, but you can also make your own weight. So you can do this using a bag. So it’s nice. If you have a bag with two strings on either side, or you can even use a plastic bag and just put a little hole in it, but a bag like this works just fine as well.

So you want to add weight to your bag. You’re going to do this with dried goods. So you can use things like rice or beans or flour. This is organic rice from whole foods, and you’re going to put two tablespoons of the dried good into the bag. So that’s a starting weight. So once you have the two tablespoons of dried weight in the bag, you can just tighten the bag like that. And you’re all good to go.

Now, the way that you know what weight is appropriate for you is when you first put the egg inside and stand up with the weight, you want it to be just the tiniest bit of effort. If it’s super easy to hold the weight up, then you probably have too light of a weight. If you’re already struggling or straining to hold the weight in, or it just pops right out, then the weight’s too heavy.

So what will happen is as you work with one size weight, you’ll gradually get stronger and stronger and you can build the weight as you go.

Step three, you’re going to string your egg. So you need a piece of string. You can use unwaxed unflavored Floss, or you can use organic silk string or just regular silk string in order to do this. So you’re going to fold the string in half like this. You’re going to pull it together so that there’s a little loop at the top. And then you’re going to twist that loop so that you almost get a needle shape with a thread.

So then you’re going to push that thread through the hole, in the egg. When you get it through the other side, you’re going to open the thread up so that you’ve got the loop on one side of the hole and the rest of the thread on the other. You’re going to take the two long pieces and you’re going to thread them through the hole and you get it tightened like that. Perfect. And your egg is strung.

Step four. You’re going to attach your weight to your egg. So you want the weight to be about the right distance. Once you put it inside, you want the weight to hang about here above the knee.

So you don’t want it to be past your knee or at your knee, but a little bit above your knee. One good way to measure that is if you hold the egg up to your lower belly and tie the weight, so that it’s right at the end of your knee. Once you put it inside, it’s going to pull up and the weight should be right above your knee. So every woman’s biology is different.

So you’re just going to have to test out what length string you need so that when you put the egg inside of you, the weight is swinging just above the knee. So once you’ve got the right length string, you’re going to go ahead and attach your weight to the string and you want to double knot it to make sure it’s really secure. And voila, you’ve got your egg attached to your weight, ready for weight lifting.

Step five. You’re going to insert the Jade egg. So you want to insert your Jade egg as usual. I find it’s really amazing if you’re already turned on. So I love turning myself on because it gives the weight lifting that extra sensual kick. Now, one of the secrets when you’re beginning jade egg weightlifting, is that once you put the egg inside of you, you want to actually tilt your pelvis up towards the ceiling so that the opening of your vagina is almost perpendicular to the floor. You’re going to inhale and deeply relax all of your muscles inside of your pelvis so that the egg drops deeper and deeper into your vagina.

So you can actually use the force of gravity to let the egg pull deep into your vagina. It’s going to make it easier in the beginning to keep the egg inside of you and to lift weights for longer.

Step six, you’re now going to stand up slowly. So you’re going to sit up first. You can hold the weight in one hand and you’re going to stand up holding the weight and then gently drop the weight with your hand so that you’re standing with the weight swinging beneath you.

Step seven, you’re going to do the three basic weight lifting exercises. So you want to check your feet. Now you want your feet to be about hip-width distance apart. The farther apart your feet are the harder your pelvic floor has to work. The closer your feet are together, the easier it is for your pelvic floor.

So if you have really weak pelvic floor muscles, you can start out with your feet, pretty close together. If they’re actually quite strong, you can even widen your stance further and further, but a good basic beginner stance is about hip-width distance.

So what you’re going to do is you’re first going to inhale. You’re going to swing your pelvis slightly forward. Exhale. You’re going to press your pelvis back, inhale, swing your pelvis forward, exhale, press your pelvis back.

Now, as you’re doing this, you’re going to tighten and squeeze around the egg, moving forward and back. And as you do this, you’re going to start getting a natural swing in your weight. What’s going to happen is that swing is going to make it just a little bit harder for your pelvic floor to hold the weight in place. So you’re going to keep inhaling forward, exhaling, back, getting a rhythm, going and like a wave like motion, which can feel really delicious for allowing an open channel of sexuality to flow through your body. So you can keep doing this for a few moments.

I’m going to show you the next exercise. You’re going to come to a standing position and you’re going to cork screw your hips. So it’s like, you’re drawing a circle on the floor with your weight and just really slow down and enjoy this movement. You can feel this subtle squeeze that’s happening around the egg. And again, you can do this as long as you like, I’m going to just go through to show you how to do it. And then you’re going to reverse in the other direction. Again, keeping your attention focused on what’s happening directly around the egg. As you circle your hips.

And for the final exercise, you’re going to stand totally still, let your weight come to stillness. You’re going to inhale. You’re going to pull up on your pelvic floor muscles, and you’re going to push up. Like you’re pushing the egg up towards your head. You’re going to stay squeezing around the egg with your pelvic floor muscles. And you’re going to exhale and push the egg down.

As you continue to squeeze, inhale, squeeze and pull up on the pelvic floor, exhale, squeeze, and push down. This is kind of an advanced practice. So it might take you a little while, especially to get the squeezing and pushing down movement. But if you do this several times, you’re going to start to get the feeling of pulling up and squeezing and pushing down.

Good. So at this point, you’re then going to remove your egg and your weight. You can put it to the side, you’re going to lay down and go into deep relaxation, totally relaxing every single muscle in your pelvic floor and inside of your vagina. This is super important so that you don’t get over tense muscles from the weight lifting, but that you have instead of a tight pussy, which actually isn’t what you want. You have a strong, yet relaxed pussy, which is the most available for your own pleasure.

So some troubleshooting with weightlifting is you don’t want to lift too much, too fast. So like a 10 to 15 minute practice in the beginning is perfect. You want to imagine if you’re at the gym working one specific set of muscles, 10 to 15 minutes would be more than enough time.

And I can’t wait until it’s perfectly acceptable to lift pussy weights in public. It’s one of my pet hopes for the future of society. Another thing is that you want to totally relax after you do the weight lifting.

So give yourself like a pussy Savasana. So it’s really important because you don’t want to get tight uptight, pussy muscles. You want strong yet relaxed, super, super important. If you only just lift weights all the time, but you’re not soft and relaxed as well afterwards, you can get rigid internally. So you want to always balance a strong weightlifting session with a sense of deep relaxation.

So if you’re really excited about weightlifting, you want to learn more. I can’t tell you all of the amazing things that are possible just in this video. Then go ahead and check out my Jade pleasure course. This is an in-depth training on everything Jade egg, both weightlifting, but also deep ways to really expand your sexuality and profoundly connect to your body.

One of the things I love about vaginal weightlifting is it hasn’t just changed me being more assertive about sexuality and going for what I want more in the sexual domain, but it’s also made me feel more confident to go for what I want in all areas of my life.

So thank you so much for tuning in, for learning about this process and for being a part of this community. If you want to stay even more connected and get access to exclusive stuff that I only share via email, head on over to, sign up with your email address, consider sharing this on Facebook below.