VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

5 ways to keep your pussy purring (meow) – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Oct 18, 2017 7:00:00 AM

You know how doctors are now saying that you have a 2nd brain in your gut?

Well, I’m here to say you have a 3rd brain…

In your pussy.

Looking after her properly is as important to your health and happiness…

as taking care of your body or your digestive health.

I call this “sexual self-care.”

It’s uniquely important…

And most women have never tried it!

How you feel about her and speak to her actually affects how much pleasure you feel

And how good you feel in your body.

But we’ve gotten so many terrible messages about her.

So it takes some effort to really turn around and love her like she deserves.

That’s why I made this video, to share with you the 5 ways that I shower her with celebration and joy.

Discover how a healthy pussy = a happier you.



5 ways to keep your pussy purring (meow)

So there’s a couple of things I wanna do before I die. One of them is definitely being wildly naked on top of a volcano, doing some crazy spiritual shit. But another thing that I wanna do is I absolutely wanna prove to the world that your pussy, your vagina is actually a third brain.

So just like they now know that your digestive system is this second brain and your digestive health is so important to your whole body vibrancy, to your emotions, to your health, your longevity, all these key things.

Your pussy is also the source of your vibrancy, your aliveness, your creativity, your empowerment, or your connection to your pussy, whether it is energy of your pussy or a physical pussy, that connection, that empowerment, that health of that area. And that region is just as important as digestive health, brain health, and heart health. I would also argue that it’s way more fun and pleasurable.

So what are some of the unconventional ways that you can keep your pussy purring, ecstatic, alive and healthy?

The first way, so simple, is to regularly massage her yourself. So you wanna use a skin friendly oil. Some ladies love coconut oil for other ladies, the sugar in it doesn’t make them feel good. So you can also use sesame oil. You can use almond oil, jojoba, whatever works well with your ecosystem and your skin, and you wanna massage the outside.

So think your pelvic bone, your groin, your inner and outer lips all over your clitoris, even just on the inside of the vagina lightly and all the way back to your perineum. This is exquisite. It really enlivens and activates the area. And you’d be surprised at how much more embodied and present you’ll feel throughout your day and more in touch with pleasure.

If you do this regular massage, you also wanna do a regular pussy mantra or just a statement of love. So something simple, like you are exquisitely beautiful. You are an artistic expression of beauty. You are the source of tremendous pleasure.

I swear, try saying that to her a couple of times a day, and you will feel a difference. Do this experiment in your own body and the only thing you’re risking is experiencing the kind of blossoming of just incredible power and energy and beauty within you.

You wanna play with her as much as possible. I call this sacred self pleasure. It means that yes, you’re masturbating, but you’re doing it with an intention to awaken your body, to connect with who you are. Think of it as combining meditation and masturbation, and you get sacred self pleasure. You’re super focused. You’re super aware. You’re accepting everything that you feel and experience.

I have seen women move mountains through this practice. You not only train yourself to have exquisite orgasmic experiences, but you also learn to fully accept your body. Whether it feels shut down, whether it feels fearful, whether it feels ashamed, whether it feels so full of lust and passion that you’re gonna blow the roof off of your bedroom.

It doesn’t matter. You can be there. You can show up. It fundamentally changes, not only your sexuality, but your own body. I’ve seen so many women who hate their bodies do sacred self pleasure and literally fall in love with their bodies. Like they never thought was possible. It’s so important in this practice.

You also wanna exercise her, think pussy treadmill, a personal trainer for your pussy, just like going to the gym is excellent for your body. Having an awareness of strength and flexibility. And just the kind of attention that that brings with your pussy is so valuable.

So a Jade egg practice is so good for this. Even just doing subtle squeezing and releasing is very, very powerful. Not talking Kegels. Kegels were designed to help you not pee when you’re not supposed to pee. And that is great for people who need it, but it doesn’t necessarily give you the strongest, healthiest pelvic floor nor necessarily the most pleasurable.

So you can do delicate squeezes and relaxation. The relaxation part is very, very, very important. You don’t wanna be tightening your pussy. You wanna be building strength and relaxation at the same time. That gives you the most, the belt pleasure possible pussy available free her.

So this basically means dance around naked as much as possible. So don’t cover her up all the time in underwear and tight pants. Like she can tolerate it, right? But it’s not her thing, let’s be honest. Not to mention when you let yourself dance free when you spend time, butt naked.

When you go out into nature and really free the pussy, there’s all this free the nipple, it’s time to free the pussy as well. Let’s have a campaign on Facebook and Instagram. I think this is very important for our whole society to evolve.

So hopefully this has inspired you to really work with and connect with your pusy. You know, this is the moment, the era of pussy power. And I think a big part of this is making it so real.

Let’s talk about what it’s going to take for us as women to actually celebrate our pussies. Take care of them, say, you know what? It is goddamn important for me to have exquisite sexual pleasure, to love my body, to take care of my pussy, the way I would, my heart or my mind or my spirituality. She’s that important.

And so hopefully this inspires you to take some of these steps and to maybe inspire your friends as well. I’d love to hear in the comment section below, which of these most inspires you, which are you going to bring into your life?