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3 Steps to experience sublime cervical orgasms – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Feb 22, 2017 8:00:00 AM

One of my best friends pulled me aside a few months ago at an event…

“Layla,” she whispered into my ear….

“Can you tell me how to have a cervical orgasm?”

And I stopped what I was doing and explained it to her step-by-step.

(Because that’s the kind of friend I am 😉)

And one week later she came over to my house crying…

“It was so so beautiful,” she said.

What did I share with her?

I’ll tell you all about it in the video below.

These steps work alone or with a partner…enjoy!



3 Steps to experience sublime cervical orgasms

All right. Let’s talk cervical orgasms. Yes, they are possible. Yes, every woman can have one and yes, it’s possible to go from not being able to have one right now to doing a couple of easy steps and unlocking your cervical orgasmic potential.

So when I hear that really common statistic that only 30% of women orgasm during intercourse, I don’t hear that 70% of women are broken or just can’t do it biologically. I hear that 70% of women haven’t fully unlocked and recognized their cervical potential and their partners are probably not giving them the stimulation they need to fully experience cervical orgasms.

So in this video, I’m gonna take you through three easy steps that will allow you to unlock the pleasure in your cervix and then the cervical orgasm. I’m Layla Martin. This is a place to be, if you want to experience epic sex, legendary love and cervical orgasms.

Step number one for unlocking your full cervical potential is to slow down. So it’s really helpful to think of your cervix as the glands of your clitoris, but deep inside your vagina. So would your clitoris appreciate being stimulated like this? No, you’d probably punch someone in the face if they tried to do that to your clitoris.

But what’s happening is most guys without realizing it are giving that same kind of stimulation to the cervix by only going hard and fast during intercourse. Now hard and fast can occasionally be really hot, really sexy, really pleasurable. It can blow you wide open. So having cervical orgasms isn’t about never going hard and fast, but it is about mixing it up so that your cervix gets the kind of pleasure that she craves to bring her to orgasm.

Step two is thrust properly. So whether you’re packing a cock or a strap on knowing how to thrust is really essential during penetration and love making. So think of thrusting using your hips with either slow circular movements so that the tip of your penis or dildo is making very steady, circular motions right on her cervix.

Or you can do very subtle in and out. But the penetration is like one 10th of the normal speed, so that you’re really activating in a slow, steady buildup. And finally, you can even hold your cock or dildo right up against her cervix while staring into her eyes, holding her and allowing her to breathe. And this alone can do so much for unlocking a cervical orgasm.

Step number three, relax, relax, relax. So if you have tension in your cervix or the muscles around your cervix, it’s gonna mean that if it gets bumped during sex or touched, it can feel painful or uncomfortable. So sometimes to relax the cervix just imagining relaxing it like you do in Savasanas during yoga is enough to get a deep relaxation, but for most women, you actually have to do a clearing. So using your sound to let out wild noises, sometimes growl, sometimes sobs and tears from long, long ago is what’s necessary to release what’s causing the underlying tension and get to a state of openness and pleasure.

So if you are holding a woman through this process, showing up for her, holding her tight and letting her know how okay it is for her to let everything go is super, super key for this process. Cervical orgasms also feel different. They feel subtle oceanic like deep ripples of pleasure rushing through your body in deeply ecstatic ways. So don’t expect cervical orgasm to feel like all the other orgasms you’ve ever had. Let it be a new and different experience and approach this cervical exploration with curiosity, innocence, and play.

So go out and have as many cervical orgasms as possible. Unlocking this is unlocking a really magical, beautiful and deep aspect of sexuality. Okay, so beautiful to share this with you today. One of my absolute favorite topics. Go forth and celebrate the cervix.