VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Electric Yoga For The Pussy – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Mar 21, 2017 7:00:00 AM

I’ve never been in a regular yoga class where the teacher tells you…

“Ok, now breathe into your pussy.”

Unfortunately, the vagina seems like the forgotten body part of most yoga.

But WOW…

what wonders she delivers you when you put just a little focus on her during your practice.

It can turn a regular yoga practice…

into something super sensual, alive and magical.

So in this week’s video, I’m sharing with you 3 simple asanas…

where you can involve the vagina to totally electrify your yoga practice.

You can add this into any regular class you’re doing (no one will ever suspect the magic you’re experiencing 😉

You’ll finish your practice way more energized & crackling with sexual vitality and radiance…

Have fun!



Electric Yoga For The Pussy

All right. I’m really excited to share this with you, yoga for your pussy. This is really how to use yoga and involve your sexuality, involve a deep feeling of your rooted energies.

I noticed this in a lot of my yoga classes,we bring focus to all these different parts of our body except the cervix, the home of the root chakra or except, you know, the clitorus, the home of the sacral chakra.

So I wanna share with you, in this video, a couple of different yoga poses and how you can turn what might be a kind of dry yoga practice into something super sensual, super alive, and just to bring the awareness of pussy back into yoga.

So I’m gonna go ahead and demo the first Asana. So the first Asana is about the butterfly, you can do it and really focus on the Psoas muscle which is awesome.

So if you’ve experienced sexual shutdown or sex negativity, your so as tends to tighten, and it gives the tightening of the legs. So really opening, relaxing that open is super key, but you can also add an awareness of your pelvic floor and your vagina as you do this.

So the light shaking actually activates inside of your pussy, if you’re really paying attention and that activation can actually open up an energy channel all the way up your spine, that can start a cycle of really, really powerful sexual energy through your entire system.

If you add the breath, you can inhale that delicious sexual energy, all the way up to the top of your head and exhale that sexuality down. So it’s like you’re taking a bath in the deliciousness of the pussy.

So you can use this as a very subtle awakening of the pussy energies and you can also use it to shake out any tension or any spaces of numbness or anywhere where you’ve disconnected and just get a full body connection to the pussy in this position.

All right, the next one, AKA downward dog. So in downward dog, you can breathe, inhale and feel a sweep of energy coming from your feet, all the way through your legs, through your pussy, your whole pelvis, all the way to your head and back out through the earth.

And then you inhale from your arms. And again, sweep down through the pussy, back down into the earth. And what you’re getting is this really incredible deep rush of earth energy through your entire body. It’s tremendously grounding and awakening, and it can make the practice really sensual.

So the Bhujangasana, the Cobra pose. In this position there’s a natural relaxation in your pelvic floor and at the opening of the vagina. So you can inhale from your toes and feel a sweep of energy through your pussy, all the way up to the crown of your head, and then exhale it back down.

It’s a really delicious way to feel energy coursing through your pussy while she’s deeply relaxed, which is excellent training for sex.

So one of the secrets to really involving your pussy in the yoga practice is you’ll find there’s a really heightened activation of energy. And that over time, what will happen is that you’ll enter a flow state of higher consciousness and your body will become free and activated and alive.

And in all my experience of yoga, that was one of the deep points of yoga, the cultivation of consciousness, but also freedom. A lot of the yoga poses, the Asanas, actually come from what the body does naturally when it’s in a state of freedom and energy activation.

All the yoga that I find is so common where it’s a bit stiff, it’s really, really physical and sometimes isn’t really cultivating the depth of energy activation that will put the body and your consciousness into a free flow state of freedom.

So using sexual energy in this delicious, activated really luscious way inside of the body, as long as you stay conscious with it, actually in my experience becomes a more rapid path to true liberation internally. So, uh, have fun.