VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

How I get out of my head during sex – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Sep 20, 2017 7:00:00 AM

Arggghhhhh…you know the feeling….

You want to be having incredible, sexy, luscious sex…

And your mind is blaring at full volume.

Stealing all the goodness with its incessant chatter.

I know this well…and with a full-on career and a busy social schedule…

It feels like precious time when I’m finally in bed with Andrew.

So when it’s anything less than fabulous, I feel like freaking out:

Shut-up, mind, just SHUT-UP…

I am trying to have some vagina time RIGHT NOW!!

(Which totally does not help.)

So, I’m sharing with you in this video what does actually work…

It’s pretty amazing how you can turn pretty average or even bad sex…

into something amazing just by getting out of your mind.

Discover my top 3 ways to get out of your head below.


Let me know in the comments below…which one of these tips do you think will work for you?