VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

This is how I had my first orgasm – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Oct 25, 2017 7:00:00 AM

When I was in college, my friends would describe what their “O’s” were like…

and they basically sounded like this: ✨🌟💖🎊💮

And I would think about my experiences, which basically felt like this: 😱😨

Now, I’m a big believer in many, many different types of “O’s.”

There are big ones, little ones, volcanic ones, oceanic ones, river ones…

“OMG I’m one with the Buddha ones,” “meh ones” … basically an infinite number.

BUT one thing we want is a sense of having “gone there.”

Having our minds blown and/or our bodies elevated to a level of pleasure-magic.

And at the age of 21, I had still not gone there.

Until one day, lying on my boyfriend’s living room carpet (yes! it really happened like that!)…


And never looked back…

I want to share with you the surprising thing I learned how to do…

that got me my first “O.”

This powerful little insight can help you if you’ve never had an “O”…

OR if you already have “O”‘s but want them more frequently or during intercourse.

Let me know in the comments section: What gets you there?
All my love and to infinite “O’s” …



How I Had My First Orgasm

In the last 20 years, the most commonly asked question from women writing into Cosmo magazine was,

“How do I have an orgasm from intercourse?”

I used to think I was never gonna be able to have an orgasm through intercourse. I thought it for years. I compared myself to other women. I felt bad about myself. I thought there was something wrong with me. And I struggled because it was hard enough to even have an orgasm from my lover touching me or going down on me.

But then I learned about my inner vagina and I actually taught myself the capacity to have an orgasm through intercourse. So there’s this myth out there that you either have it, or you don’t. You’re either born with the ability to orgasm through intercourse or you’re not.

And I want to bust that in this video and show you the exact steps that you can use to have an orgasm through intercourse. I’m going to show you and your partner what you need to do in order to experience these regularly.

So if you’re the partner of a woman and you’re watching this and you wanna bring her to orgasm through intercourse, stick around because I have a very specific process that’s gonna help you help her. I’m Layla Martin. This is a place to be. If you want to experience epic sex, legendary love and orgasms through intercourse.

Having an orgasm through intercourse happens in two ways. The first is you want to make sure that your partner is giving you the proper stimulation. And the second is you wanna train yourself and your sexual capacities to be able to do this. So I’m going to share both of these with you in this video.

The first part is you want to make sure you’re giving her the right kind of stimulation. So men out there or women with a strap on I’m now going to be telling you exactly what you need to do to bring her to orgasm.

Pace yourself. Slow and steady is the name of the game. While hard and fast thrusting can sometimes feel amazing to a woman. It is hardly ever orgasmic.

Use the correct technique.

So think of the kind of stimulation that works for her clitoris, right? She doesn’t like hard and fast or really, really intense. She’s probably gonna punch you in the face. If you try and do that to her clitoris, that same steady, smooth pressure and sensitivity that works wonders on her clitoris is going to do the same thing for her deep vagina.

Hit the right spots.

The most sensitive part of her vagina is her G-spot or her cervix. And also those are the most potentially orgasmic. So you want to make sure that that’s what you’re coming into contact with. As you’re slowly thrusting, you can easily access her G-spot through doggy style or any position where you’re behind her.

Like if you’re spooning, her cervix is accessed through deep thrusting. So her legs can be up over her head. Or if you raise up her pelvis with a pillow, any position where you can thrust deeply, but again, slow and steady is going to access her cervix.

Spend enough time.

It can take up to 45 minutes for a woman’s true orgasmic potential to open, especially in the cervix. The G-spot can take 20 to 30 minutes. So we’re talking some stamina.

Don’t mix it up, stay the course.

So the biggest rookie mistake is if she starts experiencing pleasure as you’re penetrating her, you don’t want to start doing all these crazy positions and trying to wow her, no, you wanna keep doing the exact same thing. The more excited she gets, the more you stay the course keep doing the exact same thing in the exact same position and let her build and build and build her pleasure.

Pay attention to energy.

You can feel in. So when it’s time to change things up, but you’re really feeling into her, her body and her energy as well, be aware of your own energy. So you should be penetrating her with your presence and with your mind, just as much as with your cock or with your dildo, this is super key.

You can bring her to orgasm from having your penis or the dildo held up against her cervix, absolutely and totally. Still one of the most important elements in all of this is just to be there for her. You’re not pushing her towards orgasm. You’re just really following her body, following her pleasure and being there with her no matter what.

So ladies, I’m now going to share with you exactly what you need to do to develop your inner vaginal capacity, to have orgasms through intercourse, develop your sensitivity. The deep vagina is often desensitized and even numbed, as well as, if you self-pleasure only with your clitoris. You’re not really training your brain to be able to orgasm through intercourse.

Self-pleasure with inner orgasms, make it a regular practice when you self-pleasure to use a Jade egg or a crystal dildo. The reason you want to do this is you’re going to train your brain to be able to orgasm from intercourse. If you only self-pleasure using your hands, and you’re always having orgasms only from your clitoris, what happens is that you strengthen your brain’s capacity to orgasm from your clitoris, but you’re never strengthening your ability to have a deep vaginal orgasm. If you use a Jade egg or a crystal dildo, you’re actually wiring your brain and body to be able to have orgasms through intercourse.

Heal any pain or tenderness.

You may have experienced really intense pain or discomfort in the G-spot, or especially in the cervix. If it gets knocked, if you’re experiencing pain and discomfort with any regularity, it might be time for some sexual healing. So past traumas, but even fear or negative beliefs about sexuality can get trapped in the inner vagina and cause discomfort and pain. If you have that, then you want to do sexual healing using the de armoring process. And I go into detail about how you can use that in this video here.

Open your expectations.

Don’t look for the C type of orgasm. So like an explosive firework, don’t expect an inner orgasm to feel like a C orgasm look for something that feels deep oceanic, almost subtle. At first, if you’re only expecting a C style orgasm, you might miss your deep vaginal orgasm completely.

Develop your capacity.

Orgasms through intercourse get strengthened over time. You need to remember that your brain and body actually work together to get better and better at certain types of orgasm. So the more often you work on having an orgasm from your deep vagina and through penetration, the better you’re gonna get at it.

At first, it might feel like, uh, is that really happening? I’m not even sure, but if you stick with it and really believe that it’s possible, you’re going to get stronger and you’re going to feel more powerful orgasms.

Learn to trust and surrender.

Orgasming with a partner, especially through intercourse is a huge expression of trust and deep surrender. The part of your brain that looks out for danger in the environment goes totally quiet. When you have an orgasm with a partner, that means you have to trust them deeply. This can be so difficult for many of us.

And if you struggle with that, learning breath work and learning to breathe deeply during sex is one of the fastest ways to actually drop into a surrendered state and be able to orgasm with a partner. You may also need to do some therapy around things that are holding you back or some of your deeper fears.

So orgasming through intercourse with a partner is one of the most incredible things I’ve ever experienced in my body to be able to feel so much pleasure, so much depth and openness, and to be able to look into my partner’s eyes.

It absolutely overwhelms me. And so even though it can take time, literally a lot of time to develop this skill and this capacity, I really encourage you to do it because it is so valuable and such a rich experience.

It’s been an absolute pleasure sharing this with you. Feel free to share with me in the comment section below, or even send me an email. If you have any specific questions or things that you’re wondering about to really help you get there. Thank you so much for subscribing to the YouTube channel. And if you wanna learn more about cervical orgasms, you can watch this video here or find out about G-spot orgasms here.