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My daily sexual self-care practice – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Aug 10, 2017 7:00:00 AM

Do you have an exercise routine that makes you feel absolutely awesome when you stick to it?

Or a healthy eating pattern that makes you crackle with energy and vitality when you actually follow it?

Well, today I’m sharing with you what makes me feel even more alive, energetic and vibrant than both of those…

My daily sexual self-care practice.

I find it CRAZY that society puts so much emphasis on physical self-care, digestive self-care, and, to some extent, emotional & mental self-care…

But completely overlooks sexual self-care.

It’s like making the most delicious meal ever and forgetting to serve it with the sauce.

I don’t always stick to my daily practice but when I do, oh WOW what a difference it makes in my life.

I remember the sheer awesome gift of being alive…

Discover my sexual self-care practice below.



My daily sexual |self-care practice

So some people care passionately about getting you to eat your vegetables. Boy, that’s good. Some people care passionately about getting you to do your squats and I care passionately about you having a sexual self practice like every single day.

I truly truly believe that if people took care of their sexuality and did something juicy and awesome and delicious, we would be well on our way, not only to world peace, but universal cosmic fucking bliss, which I think is a really, really important thing that the world definitely needs at this moment.

So a sexual self practice is something that you do every day or almost every day that keeps you sexually vibrant, alive, just remembering of your own power and aliveness. I know for me and I am not a routine person, so I am not here to preach to you.

Like I don’t do this every single day, but when I do do it, I feel so different inside of my body. I feel like I remember how good life is, how amazing it is to be human, to be me. And I feel a different level of connection with Andrew and with my own body, food, like tastes amazing.

And I feel motivated to do more things in life, to work out, to be vibrant, to be creative, to see things from a different or broader perspective.

So what is my sexual self care routine? Number one, I talked to you about this before, it is breast massage. So either in the morning or before I go to bed at night or in the shower, literally the most basic breast massage down on the outside, up on the inside, down on the inside, up on the outside. And it doesn’t even have to be that long.

Like literally, sometimes I sit down and I do, uh, you know, a really nice one to my practice, audio with candles, but that’s once in a blue moon. Usually it’s just a quick connection, a sense of love and a sense of massage, even just, you know, 20, 30 seconds is totally fine. I still feel the difference.

If you’re a dude, you can do the exact same massage with your testicles. The most basic form is just put some coconut oil on your palms and rub your testicles.

The second part is a Jade egg practice. So I love popping my Jade egg in, even during my workday. I have a little mat in my office and I love doing just basic pelvic movements, basic squeezes. Uh, I’ve got lots of different videos on the Jade egg, how you can learn some basic moves, but oh my God, it really transforms the way that I feel inside of my body.

And during my day, if you’re a guy, the version of this would be to have a conscious masturbation practice. So literally to masturbate, but to involve breathing and staying really present and circulating your energy in a circuit throughout your body. Even just doing this for five minutes a day can dramatically change how you experience sex, how you feel inside of your own body.

And the last I do is I have some kind of ecstatic or blissful experience. So an ecstatic or blissful orgasm is amazing, but even if it’s just something that feels pleasurable and sensual. So I’ll do five minutes of pelvic or pussy breathing, literally mouth open breathing in and out of my pelvis and my pussy, and either touching my hair and my body or stroking my vulva and feeling this ecstatic opening into sexual aliveness.

It’s so basic. And yet it is a massive game changer. Every single time I do it, I’m like, oh my God, I’m so lucky to be alive. I don’t have to like, read cheesy Facebook quotes about gratitude or awe. I just, I feel it. I know it’s inside of me.

All right. I love, love, love sharing these things with you. I really hope this inspires you to design your own sexual self practice or to just follow mine. Let me know, in the comments section below, can you see yourself, uh, having a daily sexual self practice? Why or why not? And um, yeah, that’s it. That’s the end of the video.

<laugh> check, check, check, check.