VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Do we have more or less sex than other couples? – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jul 6, 2017 7:00:00 AM

There is a small part of me that feels shame sharing with you that Andrew and I don’t have the perfect sex-life.

Do we have sex every day?

Hell NO!

Do we even make love every single week?

Not always!

Andrew and I are fully devoted to our relationship and our love-life being vibrant and healthy and loving…

And still, we go through periods where we don’t have that much sex.

There are times when I look at him and think, “I love you. You are gorgeous. And I so don’t want to have sex right now.”

Happily married people will tell you, “Great relationships take a LOT of work.”

What no one ever says is, “Great sex in a great relationship takes a LOT of work.”

It does.

And if you’ve been together with someone for more than a year, you know what I’m talking about.

But most couples don’t really do anything about it…

Because no one ever taught us what to do!!!

(If you love them, then it just happens, amiright??!?)


Just like healthy eating, physical fitness and your career all take work…

So does great sex.

But it is possible…

Andrew and I both feel that we love each other way more now than we did when we first got together….

And our love life also feels richer, more vibrant and even at times, more exciting more than four years in.

We’re sharing with you in today’s video below exactly what we do to keep it alive between the sheets – even after years and years together.


Epic sex and lasting passion are available for you too! Get my FREE Epic Lovers digital guide below and I’ll share my fun practices with you!

Yes Please!