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Penis Massage 101 – To drive him wild with pleasure – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Feb 2, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Hey there,

Andrew (Layla’s boyfriend) here with a little story for you.

Before I met Layla I’d never even heard of a penis massage…

let alone experienced its mind-blowing magic.

That’s 38 years missing out on one of the ultimate pleasures a guy can experience.

And I‘m not talking about your average ‘hand-job’…

I’ve had plenty of those 😉

and while they’re amazing…they PALE in comparison to the experience of a real PM.

So what is this penis massage I’m raving on about?


The first PM Layla ever gave me completely shifted my sexuality.

Unlike a regular hand-job which is usually just a quick finishing off tool…

A PM is a space where you are totally there for your man…

ready for anything he needs to experience or move through.

It’s the main event!

A held space of at least 30 minutes where he can fully drop into all sensations.

In my case, my first PM made me realize how much tension I actually hold in my pelvis…

And it was awesome to feel this start to release with just a few minutes of loving attention.

So whether you’re in a long-term relationship or just dating…

I’d wager that if you give your man a real PM it will be an event he never forgets.

My first is still burned vividly into my mind.

So in this video, I’m sharing with you 7 steps to give the ultimate penis massage.

I guarantee you’ll make any man’s day with these 7 steps to the ultimate penis massage.



Penis Massage 101 – To Drive Him Wild With Pleasure

And a penis massage is something awesome to do if you’ve been in a long term relationship, because it can really help your man open up to really connect to his sexuality and to even eventually feel pleasure in a whole new mind blowing way.

So when I first met Andrew, one of the first things I did when we were dating was I actually gave him a penis massage and it was a way to signal like this isn’t gonna be your ordinary relationship and I’m not gonna be your ordinary girlfriend.

So it can also be a cool way to invite someone new that you’re dating into a more connected, open and honest way of making love. So I’m gonna share with you in this video, seven steps to offer your guy a penis massage. I’m Layla Martin. This is a please to be, if you wanna experience epic sex and legendary love.

So set up the space to let him know this isn’t gonna be the average everyday sexual experience. Think mood, lighting, cool pillows, music that you know he loves. And you can also start off with some essential oils. So when you let him sniff different scents, it activates his sense of smell, which is strongly connected to his primal sexuality. Most guys prefer citrus or woodsy scents like eucalyptus or lemon..

Number two, set up a long period of time. So think like 30 full minutes and let him know that this is really a space for him to experience whatever he needs to experience. Now, most guys feel a lot of sexual pressure. Pressure to have an erection pressure, to give you an orgasm pressure to perform sexually. And the penis massage actually unwinds this pressure. He’s just there to receive for a lot of guys that alone can be really powerful.

Step number three, give him a deep groin massage. So you can start by massaging his inner thighs and you probably wanna use a skin friendly oil for this part. You wanna massage deeply along his pelvic floor and then up to the front part of his pelvis. And remember a lot of guys like a deep firm touch. So you can always check in and ask him, does he like the pressure? Does he like the speed? But keep in mind that you can usually start harder and deeper than you think you can for it to feel really good for him. This can feel hugely releasing to an area where he may carry a lot of tension.

Step number four, is start stroking him in a really delicious way. So if you know some of his favorite strokes, you can use those, or you can also try some of these that I’m going to very helpfully demonstrate on fruit or vegetables.

Step number five, you wanna tease his orgasm. So what that means is when he starts feeling lots of turn on, you’re not gonna push him over the edge into ejaculation or orgasm. Instead, you’re gonna bring him up to like a level seven or if he can handle it all the way to a level nine to 10 as ejaculation in climax. But when you sense that he’s there, you’re gonna slow down the stimulation and wait for a period of time. Do you feel like he’s dropped down to a level three before building up his excitement and turn on again, doing several rounds of this will make him super sexually sensitized. And if he does have an orgasm, it will literally blow his mind.

Step number six is hold space for wherever he’s at. Some guys actually need to have healing or release of things that have been bottled up inside of their sexuality.

So you can help him in the penis massage by encouraging him to breathe and sound, and also really take the pressure off. He might never get an erection and that’s totally fine. This is his space. So don’t take whatever he’s going through personally. Just keep bringing loving, compassion and attention to his entire body for the duration of the massage.

Step number seven, is take him over the edge. So this might look like finally bringing him all the way to orgasm and let it be a full bodied experience. So he lets the pleasure ripple through his entire body. This can really blow his mind if he doesn’t want to orgasm, you could move into love making and he’ll be more sensitized and really connected to the experience. Or he may be in a space of healing and integration. In which case you could place one hand over his penis, one hand over his heart and let him integrate. And then afterwards give him some space to really feel and be by himself.

If you’re loving this content, I’d invite you to subscribe. You can also head on over to my website, Lee Sign up with your email address to get all these videos weekly. And you can also learn more advanced penis massage techniques in my course for couples epic lovers. And if you’re interested in that, go ahead and click there, sign up with your email address and I’ll notify you when the course becomes available. Thank you so so much for being here, learning about these amazing techniques and I look forward to sharing so much more with you.