VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

The Sensual Body Mapping Experience – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | May 10, 2017 7:00:00 AM

I’m usually the one that suggests trying different sensual techniques in our relationship.

But this week Andrew decided to surprise me with an exquisite ritual of his own…

His sensual body mapping experience.

(Well to be fair…he found it on the magical internet but then added his own twists to spice it up a little.)

He told me that sensual body mapping is when you explore every single little part of your partner’s body with different types of stimulation…

to discover secret hidden spots that drive your partner wild with pleasure.


So then I thought…

Why not let Andrew make this week’s video explaining this sexy experience in detail to all of us…

and then we can all try it out together.

So in today’s video, he lays it out step by sexy step…

And watch to the end to hear the exquisite things I experienced when Andrew tried it out on me.


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Yes Please!



The Sensual Body Mapping Experience

Hey, so Layla’s always coming up with stuff for you guys to try. So this week, I thought I’d come up with something that Layla can try, something that she’s never done before and I’ve never done before.

So the technique is actually called central body mapping. So central body mapping is when you explore every single part of your partner’s buddy and your own body.

Yeah, and like, what you shared with me is that you could be really surprised by what you might find, that you might get your eyelashes turning you on, or like the corner of your elbow, but there’s all these like secret erogenous zones.

I’m gonna find yours.

And is this all an elaborate plan for you to finally get to stick your finger up my nose?

<laugh> I thought you were gonna say, stick my finger up something else. I dunno about you, Layla. Do you know all of the bits on your body?

No, I’m really excited to explore.

So me and Layla are gonna try this for the first time as well. And then we’re gonna let you know, at the end of this video exactly how it went for us.

So step one, you’re gonna decide who’s gonna want to go first. So when we do it tonight, I’m gonna be giving it to Layla.

So you wanna put on some really sensual music. You’ll also wanna blindfold your partner because when you blindfold your partner, then they can really drop into their sensations and they’re not sort of influenced by the outside world.

So to start, the receiver’s gonna sit with their back against their partner’s chest. This is a really good way to first sort of explore the top of the body. But then you can swap to having your partner lying down, or you can have them lying down the whole time.

And the receiver of this experience is really gonna concentrate on their breathing and relaxing and let everything drop so they can drop you into the experience fully and really feel all the sensation.

And if you happen to be doing this alone without a partner, you can actually do this in front of the mirror, which is a really sexy way to turn yourself on.

So step number two, precision is sexy. Don’t miss a single spot. So you’re gonna wanna start at the very top of your partner’s head, cover their whole head, their whole face, like trying things like eyelashes and touching nostrils and the chin and the neck and the collarbone and be really precise and methodical so you don’t miss a single spot. Go all the way down one arm and then all the way back up it, and then the other arm, and then down the chest and then down each leg.

So step three is you’re gonna wanna try a whole different bunch of touches. You could cover the whole body in one touch and nothing much happens but varying your touch could really turn your partner on.

When I touch Layla like this, which I love, she calls it “creepy” touch. Layla actually likes to be touched from like a really sort of firm, whole body hand touch. That’s what turns her on. But interestingly enough, you know, lately, some parts of Layla’s body that I have touched with her “creepy” touch, she actually quite likes.

So you’ve really gotta explore every part of your partner’s body with the different touches. In the back of the neck, you’re gonna wanna try a soft tickly touch. You’re gonna wanna try something firmer as well.

You’re also gonna wanna try maybe using an implement like a feather, or you’re gonna wanna try something sharp, something that gives a little bit of pain, because some people like that little tinge of pain, you’re also gonna wanna try your breath, breathing lightly on each part of your lover’s body and your tongue as well. Your tongue’s always great. Although Layla doesn’t like licking so much.

So number four is you’re gonna wanna really communicate with your partner. You’re gonna ask them, do you like this touch? Does this feel good? Should I try something else? So as the receiver, you’re also gonna wanna let your partner know if it feels good for you or if there’s something else you’d like them to try. If you don’t communicate and if you don’t ask for what you want, you’ll never get it.

So step number five is to extend the experience. So this one gets a little naughtier. So we’re talking about exploring inside. So you might wanna start off with exploration inside your partner’s mouth. You then might want to go into some racier areas. The anus can be really sensitive for a man around his prostate and also a woman, there’s so many nerve endings in there, explore every orifice, including the nostrils.

Okay. So I was gonna try this all out on Layla last night, but we didn’t have time. So we’re actually gonna try it in the next couple of days. And we’re gonna get back to you on how it went.

Love you so much.

And if you wanna try out some other couples techniques, try Layla’s book, epic lovers, cuz it has some magic in there.

We’re back. So how was it?

It was pretty amazing. So Andrew lit a fire and set up this beautiful cozy environment. And then just as I laid back in his arms, he touched every single part of my body with feathers and his fingers and a little claw <laugh>

And I love doing it too. It was, it was great. Just trying each different spot with the different implements and just sort of seeing the reaction on your, on your face and the sound that you made. And it was fun.

Aw, <laugh>.