VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

The Wild G-Spot Orgasm Guide – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Oct 5, 2017 7:00:00 AM

Today I think the title says it all…

Have a wild good time 💖💖💖



The Wild G-Spot Orgasm Guide

So there was this point in my sexual growth and evolution where I was like, you know what, when I masturbate, I never put my fingers inside of me. I don’t, you know, ever do penetration. And I was like, that’s a damn shame. Why do I not do that? There’s so much unexplored pleasure there.

There was even this feeling that it might be like, icky or weird or gross, in there. Like I had this resistance to putting my finger inside my own vagina. And I was like, that’s crazy. How do I feel that way? And you know, having talked to so many women now about the way that they masturbate, a lot of women actually really feel this way.

But if you want to have a wild G-spot orgasm, and if you are watching this video, I sincerely hope that you do or else you want to learn about how a woman experiences a wild G-spot orgasm. Then I wanna share with you the steps of what it took for me to be able to get there and also how it just added this tremendous dimension to my experience of sex and, you know, love making in general.

So the first step is that you want to decide that you’re gonna do it, cuz the thing is, is most of us learn to masturbate, you know, when we’re young as children or teenagers. And we often never question the way that we touch ourselves, we just do the same thing over and over and over again. So you wanna decide today I’m gonna do something different.

I’m gonna put my finger inside my vagina. And that alone makes a really huge difference. And just understand that you might feel a little bit uncomfortable or it might feel a little bit stressful, but once you do it, you’ll start getting really used to it. And it will create a lot of pleasure and comfort with that part of your body.

So the second step is that when you move into self-pleasuring, you wanna really turn yourself on first, like you normally do. So if you normally touch your vulva, if you normally touch the external part of your clitoris, really turn yourself on, but make sure that you don’t climax.

So basically wanna be building up your sexual pleasure, your sexual turn on without going over. And the reason that you wanna do this is because your G-spot is made of erectile tissue. So if you’re not properly turned on, it’s gonna feel like weird or uncomfortable, maybe painful, maybe clinical. And so you wanna be super turned on and the way that you get yourself there is by building up your pleasure, building up your turn on, but not bringing yourself to climax.

As soon as you feel like you are good and ready to go, you wanna use your dominant hand to keep touching yourself the way that you usually love. So on your vulva, the outside of your clitoris, and then with your other hand, you’re gonna use one finger or even two fingers and really delicately juicily, slide it inside of your vagina.

You’re going to reach for a spot that is on the vaginal wall facing towards your belly. And it should feel like a walnut or the ridged roof of your mouth. But some women actually, it doesn’t feel like anything. So you’re gonna reach around for something that feels a little bit more intense, a little bit more pleasurable.

Then maybe keep in mind what’s usually surprising for a lot of women is that your G-spot is often not that deep. So genetic variation means that women have different places for their G-spot, but for a lot of women, it’s actually very close to the entrance to your vagina, much closer than you might expect.

So for some, you’ll feel very deep, for others of you, it’ll be very close to the entrance of your vagina. So you can look all over in order to locate it. Once you’ve found something that feels good, you’re gonna keep stroking your clitoris and your vulva with one hand and then you’re gonna very, lightly move your other hand in and out, essentially stroking over your G-spot.

What this does is it brings the pleasure that you’re very, very familiar with, the way that you usually touch yourself and it transfers it over to the pleasure that you can experience from your G-spot. So if you’ve never touched your G-spot before and you just try and touch your G-spot, sometimes you don’t feel pleasure.

Sometimes it doesn’t feel like turned on at all, but when you do this blended form, what happens is your G-spot has different nerves that are innervating it than your clitoris and so it can all of a sudden be like, oh my God, this is a pleasurable sensation. Like it transfers, the two almost talk to each other. It’s not what they’re actually doing biologically, but that’s kind of what it feels like. And your G-spot learns to experience pleasure.

Once you do that for a period of time, then you can just stroke your G-spot alone and reach peak pleasure or orgasmic states in a really luscious way. So hopefully this has given you something really fun to do with yourself right after this video. And if you want more amazing tips, then you can check out the book that I wrote, “Wild Woman in the Bedroom,” which gives you all kinds of fun, sexual things to explore. And you can get that for free down below.