VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

11 exquisite ways to self-pleasure – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Mar 8, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Sometimes I like to sit around and think of tag-lines I’ll never use…

“Life is short, so touch your clitoris in original ways.”

That’s basically the theme this week 😉

When you spend beautiful time in self-pleasure trying new things…

you stay really present and alive during your sessions…

and truly are your own best lover.

I find that the way I self-pleasure and connect with my body plays a huge part in how amazing my relationship, my career and my life is!!

When she’s super happy…I naturally light the world on fire.

I share eleven of my original and exquisite moves below…










11 Exquisite Ways To Self Pleasure

So these are masturbation moves for your soul. So if you’re like me, you might get stuck in a habitual way of touching yourself or just be like, wait, how have I touched my pussy for decades and never thought to do anything different than what I’ve been doing since I was like a teenager or a little girl. So this will give you some inspiration to try some new strokes, some new geographical areas.

And one of the reasons I love switching it up in self pleasure is it makes you more present to your body. Remember how cool it is. Like I’m giving myself pleasure. I’m bringing myself alive. I can touch certain parts of my body and feel this erotic beauty and bring myself to orgasm. So I find when you switch it up, it brings you back to that sense of awe and curiosity.

And also different ways that you touch yourself actually can activate different parts of your brain. Because when you touch different geographical parts of your body, you can be accessing different nerves inside of you, which when you create orgasmic or pleasurable experiences can actually activate different parts of your brain, different parts of your body, different parts of your nervous system.

So the first stroke for your soul to explore is to move down more towards the urethra. So this is a little bit further down than the glands of your clitoris. And there’s actually erectile tissue around the urethra, called the urethral sponge, that can be exquisitely orgasmic in itself. So sometimes women only focus on the glands of the clitoris. Sometimes just half an inch, a quarter inch, or even a full inch lower than where you usually touch yourself. There can be a whole nother layer of orgasmic pleasure.

Second stroke is the entrance to your vagina, the introitus. So not a sexy word. We have to think of something else like the orgasmic tunnel or like the soul tunnel to God or something like that. But when you stroke around the opening of your vagina, there’s actually clitoral legs that run through this area. So you’re activating and stroking a different part of your clitoris that can feel divinely pleasurable in a totally different way.

Stroke number three, you can massage and stroke the outer lips of your vulva. When you stroke, massage and put pressure on these outer lips, you’re actually stimulating the clitoral leg network underneath.

Stroke number four, pressing the perineum. So every woman is different. Some women love this. Some women don’t feel that much, but you can actually massage and press in a kind of wave like motion around your perineum. So this is the area of skin between the opening of your vagina and your anus. And it can feel really exquisite. Some women have a ton of nerve endings in this area and they can orgasm just from perineum stimulation alone. Something that’s really cool about stroking your perineum during self pleasure is this is part of the root chakra and yoga. So you can actually create a very powerful energy activation from stroking yourself in this way.

Stroke number five, try different strokes or directions around the glands of your clitoris than you usually do. So if you usually do circles, try moving your hands up and down. If you usually go up and down, try moving in waves. You can also explore different areas of the glands of your clitoris. And you’ll notice that there are different areas of sensitivity.

A lot of women have the most sensitivity in the upper left hand quadrant of their clitoris, so that’s your upper left hand. And other women have different areas of sensitivity all over the gland. So I challenge you to be specific and focused enough in the way that you touch and the way that you stroke that you find out where your specific heightened points of pleasure are.

Stroke number six, isn’t really a stroke, but it’ll feel like you’re stroking yourself from the inside out, which is to add breath work. Now, this is one of my biggest passions. I’m going to talk a lot more about it with you in upcoming videos. I talk about it a lot in my courses, but I think if there’s one thing that everybody could do to transform their sexuality instantly, it would be to add breath work to their sexual experiences.

So I highly encourage you as you’re self pleasuring, to add breath work. What that means is that you can inhale and exhale through your nose or your mouth and feel as though you are inhaling and exhaling directly from your pussy. If you do this with a deeper inhale and a deeper exhale than you normally would, a little bit more rapidly than you would normally be breathing, what you’ll do is you’ll tank down that part of you that’s always worried if you’re getting it right, if you’re perfect enough, if you’re good enough, that’s like getting distracted. That’s thinking about certain things. That part of you melts away when you breathe, and what wakes up are these deep sensational impulses within you. Everything that we hunger for in sexual experience, rich emotions, deeper feelings, connection to our body is facilitated and enhanced when you add breathing.

Stroke number seven is to relax your lower belly. So one of the things that many of us can create is a kind of chronic tension in our lower belly bearing down or tightening up as you feel more and more pleasure. What this does is it locks the pleasure down inside of your genitals and prevents it from free flowing through your entire body. It also leaves a kind of chronic tension in your lower belly that has psychological implications. So one of the things I would encourage you to do is use that breath and use your mind to consciously relax the muscles of your lower belly. As you’re self pleasuring, what you’ll find is that the pleasure will flow more intensely and more freely through your belly. That not only feels exquisite and really delicious, but I find it can also change the way that you feel about your lower belly. It’s much more natural to love it, embrace it and celebrate it when you actually let your sexual pleasure flow through it during this process.

Stroke number eight, you can add stroking your breasts or any other erogenous zone. So you can self-pleasure and stroke other parts of your body. This makes it more of a full body enhanced experience.

Stroke number nine, involve your anus. So, many women have incredible sensitivity in their anuses and can have orgasms just from anal stimulation alone. So what you want to do is you can stroke your anus with a lubed up finger, making gentle circles or pulsations, or you can use a toy. So something like a butt plug, you can insert it gently after you’re turned on and then continue to stimulate yourself like usual. And it can add this rich fabric of experiences. Just be careful not to do any anal penetration and then touch your vagina. You want to be careful to wash your hands afterwards or use separate hands.

Stroke number 10 is, add your G spot. So it’s amazing. How many of us never think to touch ourselves internally? We only use the outer geography of the vulva and we never go into the rich, beautiful gems that are inside of the vagina.

So what I encourage you to do is after you’re turned on, you can slide a finger inside of your vaginal canal and feel for your G spot. So for some women, it’s very close to the entrance of the vagina. Other women, it’s very, very deep. You’re looking for something that feels slightly bumped or ridged, or that feels more intense or more pleasurable than the other spots inside the wall of your vagina, facing the side of your stomach.

Now, as you stroke your external clitoris, you want to also simultaneously be stroking your G spot. This can create blended pleasure, or what’s called a blended orgasm. When both of those areas are firing together, it’s really delicious.

Stroke number 11, is to try different body positions. So if you always have your legs closed, try with your legs open. If you are always on your back, try laying over on your belly. If you’ve never done it on all fours, why not? This is really great as well for helping to give you flexibility sexually. So you don’t just feel like you can get turned on in one position or with your legs in a certain way, but you feel more fluid with how your body can experience sexual pleasure. That’s actually true for all of these different strokes.

So what happens is if you only touch yourself one way over and over again, you really strengthen that neuronal pathway to orgasm inside of your brain. But then you go to make love with a partner, they’re not going to touch you that exact way. Their body is not going to maybe fit with yours in the exact way that you usually masturbate. So when you’re more fluid in the way that you touch yourself and the way that you move your body when you’re self pleasuring, you actually open yourself up to being able to experience and explore more pleasure when you are with a partner.

And be aware that exploring new geography can sometimes be scary. So we don’t always expect this to be true, but if you’ve never felt inside of your vagina before, it can feel alarming or freaky or weird. A lot of women are free to touch their anuses. Touch the anus. It’s so amazing. There’s so much in there.

There’s so much pleasure, but just know that if it feels a little overwhelming where you feel yourself tensing up, it’s okay, use the breath work and slowly, slowly start to explore all these different areas of your body. What you do is you end up reclaiming your body, your pleasure, and ultimately your sexuality out of social conditioning, out of taboos, out of judgments, and you end up feeling really whole and really connected to your truth inside of your sexuality.