VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

7 blow job tips to drive him (and you) wild with pleasure – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Mar 29, 2018 7:00:00 AM

When my 5th grade teacher in Peachtree City, Georgia wrote on the top of my essay,

“I just know you are going to change the world,”

I can’t be totally sure, but I believe this blow job guide is exactly what she had in mind 😂

And I’m only half-joking because I truly believe that more pleasure = a better world.

But there is a difference between the kind of pleasure that you give because you think you should…

and the kind of empowered, full-body pleasure that you feel when you give to someone you love.

(Or that you just find really, really hot…or, hey, on a great day, both…)

This blow job guide contains both amazing and surprising techniques you can use…

And how to get the mindset of pleasure that takes sexuality from every day to epic.

I believe giving love through pleasure is one of the most beautiful things I can offer Andrew…

(and myself.)

Here’s to all of us giving our sexiest beauty to those we love and/or just find super hot.




7 Blow Job Tips To Drive Him Wild With Pleasure

So to talk about blow jobs, we have got to start the conversation with a woman’s right to feel empowered around giving pleasure. If a man loves giving pleasure to a woman, at least in some circles, he’s a hero. If a man’s like, “I love going down on my woman,” so many of us would be like, oh my God, that’s amazing. But if a woman’s like, “I love sucking cock for hours on end,” all of a sudden social conditioning comes in. Why? Because traditionally women weren’t supposed to want pleasure. They weren’t supposed to enjoy pleasure. They weren’t supposed to give pleasure because they didn’t have sexual agency.

So this kind of ugh feeling around being proud of giving a blow job, of really embracing going down on a male partner, we want to talk about that conditioning first that says to a woman, you shouldn’t embrace giving sexual pleasure. Really going down on your partner shouldn’t produce an ecstatic sensation of delight within you, but you know what? It damn well should.

This vlog is as much about mind blowing amazing blow job tips that’ll rock his world as it is about giving yourself permission to feel pleasure, giving pleasure, taking pleasure. This is about reclaiming your own sexual agency in a sex act that’s largely been controlled, and judged, and criticized because it’s a portal for a woman to embrace her role as a seductress and a giver of pleasure unabashedly.

So the first blow job tip, as much as possible to see if you can enjoy it. Now, if you genuinely don’t enjoy it, that’s one thing. Maybe it’s absolutely not for you, but for a lot of us, we don’t let ourselves fully enjoy it. There’s a lot of judgment. There’s fear inside of us that keeps us from fully enjoying it.

Now, when I used to talk to guys, they would say the best blow jobs of their lives were from women who were having a really great time. If you have a male partner, he wants you to be loving it. He wants you to be enjoying it. Think of it in the reverse. If a guy was going down on you and he was like I don’t know, this feels weird. I feel a little bit ashamed. Would you be having the time of your life? No. You want a partner to approach your pussy with a sense of awe, excitement, joy. That when he interacts with it that way there’s this exquisite enlivening pleasure. When you interact with a penis like I have to do this, he smells down there. Don’t give a blow job from that state, but see if you can find something within you that can be like oh hell yes. You could even psych yourself up like a blow job pep talk to really be able to get into it and feel how amazing it is that you can offer your partner something so intimate and so pleasurable.

Tip number two is to drop in fully. What I mean by that is as much as possible to get out of your head and get into the five sensations. The joy of saliva, the joy of the feeling, the touch inside of your mouth. The joy of sounds, his sounds, your sounds. Really use your mind and your energies and your five senses to go so fully into the experience.

Tip number three is, create a space that excites you. So if you’ve felt before like you’ve had boyfriends or partners pulled your head down, or tried to make you do it, and there’s a kind of resistance, I’d invite you to set the scene and invite your partner into it. So maybe put down a beautiful faux fur blanket on the ground so your knees are really taken care of. Maybe it’s something seductive in the garden. You’ll feel much more empowered if you pick a location and a scene that inspires you and excites you. If you’re interested in upping the excitement factor for him, then think unconventional and surprising. Nothing like an ocean blow job, bath tub blow job, car pulled over on the side of the road kind of blow job. Nature blow jobs are awesome. There’s all kinds of cool, exciting places to surprise him.

Tip four, really make noise. There’s something super erotic about getting into it and you’ll surprise yourself. If you really allow yourself to moan, to sigh, to drop in and express your pleasure verbally, it can actually drop you deeper and deeper into enjoying the experience. It can also auditorily signal to him how much you are into the experience, which is a really big turn on.

Tip five, try some new strokes. So you can either just follow your intuition and go completely wild. You can get into a rhythm just like dancing or moving your body in yoga. There’s a kind of beautiful flow that you can allow yourself to get into. If you want to try some different specific strokes or movements, you can try spiraling your head around the head of his penis can be really erotic. Definitely use your hands on his shaft. So a lot of guys say they actually can’t tell the difference between having a deep throat head job and a woman using her hands on his shaft. Feel free to do that to up the sensation and the intensity of the experience. Saliva is always a good idea in this situation. If you think about it, warm and wet and intense, that’s what he experiences during intercourse. So if you really don’t enjoy deep throating, you have a strong gag reflex, you can create a lot of intensity and sensation by actually using the roof of your mouth on the head of his penis to give him some of that sort of harder sensation.

Other things to try is you can actually pop your mouth and your hands off of the head of his penis. So it’s like you lift your head and your hands all the way off and then come back down, and then lift all the way off and then come back down. That can create an enhanced sensation that’s not like a lot of other things that he’ll feel or experience. You can also twist your hands in different directions as you’re sucking on the head of his penis and you can do different movements back and forth over the head of his penis. Or you can do a kind of pulsation suck where you keep the lips of your mouth around the head of his penis and suck like you were sucking on a lollipop or something like that can be really fun for him to experience.

Tip number six is presence or a connection. So you can actually look him in the eyes during periods. I like to reach up and touch Andrew’s heart sometimes, or even touch his belly or hold his hips. You can actually have this really connected experience as you’re giving him a blow job.

Tip number seven is listen to him. So one of the things that can happen that’s really sad to me is if women have had bad blow job experiences or they feel like I’m just doing it for him, because he wants it for his pleasure, but I don’t really enjoy it, you’ll disconnect and not really be there in the situation. Which I get it, if that’s what you’ve been through, if that’s been your experience, totally understand and one of the beautiful things about reclaiming a blow job for your own pleasure and your own excitement is that you can then listen to him. I’ll listen to Andrew’s sounds his body will tell me. I can hear him connected to when something feels really awesome and when something needs to change and not just buying into this cultural narrative that men are machines and their sexuality is simple, really tune in. Dignify that experience for him and the more you connect to him and his body and his energy, the deeper he’ll feel it.

So hopefully I’ve inspired you to go out and offer or receive exquisite pleasure in a different way, shape or form than you have before and to proudly feel deep within yourself, I am an amazing cock sucker.