VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Full permission to do whatever you desire today – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Nov 15, 2018 8:00:00 AM

If you ask any of my friends how much permission I give myself, they’ll probably tell you “a lot.”

I burp at the table. (Sorry, Mom)

I wear lots of glitter, velvet, gold and faux fur (at the same time).

I tell people my truth (even when it’s a hard truth that they don’t want to hear).

I dance and laugh like I’m having a full-body orgasm (because I usually am).

I will tell strangers about the infinite wisdom of pussy and the benefits of sex magic (because I’m here to make these things mainstream).

But I knew there were places where I still lived in a little cage of my own creation…

Places where I don’t give myself full permission.

Because I’m afraid people won’t like me.

Because I’m afraid people will judge me.

Because I’m afraid of being fully alive and powerful.

(Can you relate?)

So I challenged myself for a day (that turned into two days) to give myself full permission…

And filmed it all…and this is what happened…


Now, I want to hand the challenge to you…

Can you give yourself full permission for a day?

Full permission to dress how you want, say what you want, dance how you want, and live how you want?

Try it out, and let us know in comments below how it goes.