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Jade Egg: The story you haven’t heard – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | May 24, 2018 7:00:00 AM

Have you noticed that the mainstream media often makes fun of women’s sexual empowerment?

In particular, there have been a lot of condescending stories around the Jade Egg recently…

Now, I love people asking important questions or doing deeper research about a practice…

But what I’ve seen over and over again is that the tone of these articles is patronizing, demeaning, and ridiculing…

Because it’s still super easy for women’s sexuality to be made fun of and to make her feel small for even daring to embrace her pleasure…

And for a woman’s choice to take her own healing, empowerment and passion into her own hands (literally!!) to be dismissed.

What I’ve found especially heartbreaking is that these articles never ask the women themselves.

It’s another instance of “experts” and celebrities giving their opinion…but not giving real women a voice…

And one of the reasons I’ve personally been so upset by this…

Is because after every round of my Jade Egg course, I send out a survey and get hundreds of responses from women about how the egg affects their lives.

And every time I read these surveys…I am moved to tears.


Because after a minimum of three practices, women report loving their bodies more, embracing their sexuality more, understanding how sexuality is energetic and alive and powerful in their own bodies.

They start loving their pussies and stop apologizing for themselves.

They stop repressing their desires and start living.

This isn’t small stuff. It’s revolutionary.


And so every time the media talks about the jade egg and they just don’t get it at all, I cringe.

Not because it even matters to me as a business (since the media coverage, our course enrollment has gone up…it really is true that all PR is good PR…)

But because I deeply believe in this practice and I want it to spread.

And if a woman can claim her own sexual power, heal her relationship to her body and find a gentle, daily way to release shame, fear, guilt and pain around her sexuality I think that’s a total miracle!!!

If she decides not to do it because it’s not her thing – great! But if she decides not to do it because she doesn’t have the full story – that to me is tragic.

So, I thought…why not have real women tell the real story of the egg?

Wouldn’t that be so much more empowering than letting everyone else tell it for us?

Catch the real (and powerful) jade egg stories here.