VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

The Magic of Orgasm Without Ejaculation – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jun 21, 2018 7:00:00 AM

Hi there!

Layla’s BF Andrew here.

Growing up in Australia in a fairly conservative society…

I was never taught anything about my own sexual pleasure.

I didn’t even find out about masturbation until my teen years.

And only by chance when one of my school friends told me how to do it at a school camp.

I was like, “WOW how did I not know about this before.”

I feel the same way about the orgasm without ejaculation practice…

which I’m now only discovering in my 40’s…crazy!

It’s like this hidden gem of knowledge that most men have never even heard of.

Not only has it opened up a whole new world of pleasure for me…

where I now find regular orgasms a bit of a letdown.

But it has also allowed me to last sooooooooo much longer in bed with Layla.

Which has pretty obvious benefits for her 😉 

And what’s really interesting is that I haven’t even fully mastered the orgasm without ejaculation technique itself yet.

Just starting the process and practicing a few of the techniques that we share in the video below will completely change how both you and your partner experience sex.

In this video, we not only talk about the technique itself, but also how it has fundamentally changed our sexual relationship.

And ladies, please forward this on to the men in your lives as we all need this knowledge.

Plus the more men that know about this…the more epic pleasure you’ll be having in bed too 😉 



The Magic of Orgasm Without Ejaculation

We wanted to talk to you today about men orgasming without ejaculating


And <laugh>, or at least trying to orgasm without ejaculation and the process of building up to orgasm without ejaculation, because that’s what’s really important.

Totally. So it’s not about not ejaculating cuz your urologist or proctologist. If you have, I have those two on like whatever that’s called something you do. I don’t,

They would tell you that you should absolutely ejaculate and actually scientific studies show that the more man ejaculates, the healthier he is, the longer he lives, who knows all the other factors that go into that.

Yeah. And you could sort of check into your body yourself. Feel like if I don’t ejaculate, I’m actually doing myself harm. It feels like my semen needs to come out every now and again, otherwise it’s um, just unhealthy for my body, but that’s just my personal preference.

And I’ve known guys who haven’t ejaculated for 25 years and swear by it and have the energy of like stuff

20 bulls <laugh>.

Yeah. The energy, the person we’re thinking of is pretty intense. Anyways, the point is Shiva.

It’s not necessarily about not ejaculating. It’s really about learning to be orgasmic as a man without ejaculating, which frees you up to have all kinds of cool experiences, which is part of what we’re gonna be talking about.

Yeah, so the first time I started to try and work with orgasming and not ejaculating, I, I just, you know, failed completely and I, and I’ve still failed. I’ve never actually managed yet to orgasm without ejaculation. But the amazing thing is what I’ve learned along the way and that I now have much better sexual experiences when I’m actually making love to Layla.

I feel so much more pleasure in my body when I’m moving my energy around that when I actually ejaculate it’s, it’s a bit of a let down compared to everything else. So I can only imagine, you know, what it will feel like when I can properly orgasm without ejaculating, but where I am at the moment is like, you know, 20 times better than where I was when I first started out trying to do this.

And I think that’s the biggest thing that I noticed in Andrew. Like when we first got together before he did any of these practices, I could feel that he was in his head just trying to last as long as possible. And I think that’s really common for a lot of guys, is this sense of like, I want to last a really long time and have her have an exceptional sexual experience, but without the tools that train you to separate orgasm ejaculation it kind of most guys, I feel just resort to control of trying to control it. And that’s not actually the most erotic thing to be doing in the bedroom.

And another interesting thing is, it’s your commitment to it as well. So I know, um, some guys that are super, super committed to orgasming without ejaculation and they’ve managed to do it in quite a short period of time because they’re super committed to it. I myself am a little bit more lazy, lazy <laugh>. So I haven’t really, really tried. I haven’t made it like a weekly or daily practice to do this, but you know, over the last few years I’ve developed so much just by putting a little bit of effort in here and there. Yeah.

And one of the things I’ve really noticed in Andrew is it feels like he can go as long as he wants, even if the sex gets really intense or really hot or really full on that in him learning these tools, he’s able to not ejaculate and keep making love, even if I’m having like wild screaming, multiple orgasms. And so that’s really, I feel like that’s the skill that really makes men exceptional lovers.

Yeah. And I want to grow and learn more about it, cuz what you’re saying is incredibly true. I used to just sort of, when I was having sex, I used to be focused on, on my penis and on my genital region. And I just would, would come quite quickly because I was so excited down there. But as soon as I learned to move the energy around my body and start controlling the sexual energy in my body, which is the first sort of steps to orgasm without ejaculation, I could last for heaps heaps longer.

Anyone notice that Andrew just talked about sexual energy without rolling his eyes?


Sure, We change people.

Sexual Energy

There’s been a big transformation over here in the Simpson Martin household.

So let’s talk about some of the different tools and techniques that are really simple. And we’re also gonna make more videos soon with guys kind of sharing their experiences. What’s really worked for them.

Guys that have actually managed to orgasm without ejaculation. Or are in different, or further along the stage than I … various spectrum.

Um, so one of the main ones that I know has really worked for you is definitely breath. And this is really big for a lot of guys is deep belly breathing. It’s amazing to practice this when you’re masturbating to just do deep, full inhales and feel your lower belly rise and relaxed, but deep exhales and feel your lower belly soften.

Yeah. There’s two things that that really does for you. Firstly, by breathing, it allows, you know, the energy and the sensations to really start moving a bit more in your body and not just be in your genital region. And the, the second thing that’s, uh, a bonus is as soon as you’re focusing on your breathing, you’re taking your attention off your sexual pleasure. So then you can also last for a little bit longer as well.

Neurologically it also activates the parasympathetic nervous system and your body will start moving towards sympathetic in order to ejaculate. So if you do deep, full breathing, it actually regulates your nervous system and keeps you from going over into ejaculation.

The next tool that’s really helpful is actually sounding so making sound on the exhale. Again, something that a lot of guys don’t do or would make them feel self-conscious and yet sounding can be the sort of, uh, the quickest route to learning to orgasm without ejaculation.

Hmm. It’s definitely a gateway to feeling a lot more free. And you know, when you are, when you’re not sounding or breathing you, everything is focused in one area. As soon as you let go with your voice and your, your breath and, and your movement, everything sort of just frees up and it’s not all locked down in your penis area. <laugh> <laugh> in your penis area.

One of the big things I noticed with Andrew with sound as well is it helps him just fully release. Like when he starts sounding, he actually starts to go more primal. And so I simultaneously feel him letting go of control, moving away from needing to ejaculate, but also it’s like, he gets really raw.

It gets you out of your head. You’re not focused on like a sensation or things that are happening. You’re just free.

So the other tool that’s really helpful is this concept that your turn on or your pleasure is like a form of energy that can move through your body and can circulate. Now, this might sound really foreign to you. It might be like, yes, I’m totally in touch with my sexual energy.

If you have never felt sexual energy in your whole life, you can basically feel the sensation of being turned on, which is usually like heat and waves and you know, expansion for most guys. You can actually, with your mind, invite it to travel through your body, just experiment with it, get curious.

But what happens is it actually takes the orgasmic experience out of the head of your penis and distributes it through your whole body, which is really one of the main keys to taking the orgasmic experience out of being only attached to the ejaculatory reflex and becoming something that you can experience throughout your whole body.

Hmm. And that’s what I was sort of talking about at the beginning of the video. I don’t really like the word sexual energy. It’s just what I use now because there’s no other and no other vocabulary that I can use to describe what’s happening. But when I sort of imagine this sort of feeling coming up through my body, it now comes up and I sort of can swivel it around my brain.

And I feel this sort of amazing warmth and sort of like a lightheaded, dizziness, swimming, swing swinging around my brain before I sort of bring it back down. I mean, it sounds really weird, but it’s, um, it’s super amazing and then that it’s the secret to the universe

And that experience is actually a lot more amazing than when I ejaculate. So that is for me, I can start to understand that having this feeling throughout my body is really the start to what actually happens before you orgasm without ejaculation.

Totally. And so this is why I think it’s so cool for guys to learn this because Andrew will do this whole process and then he might ejaculate at the very end, but he gets this whole new way of playing inside of his body and experiencing pleasure and that’s available to all men. And it can just radically shift the way that you relate to your partner, how you make love and just how you experience your own sexuality.

Yay! Go forth and not ejaculate, orgasm, orgasm, whatever you’re gonna ejaculate, but you orgasm without having to do them together.
