VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

I’m sexually attracted to women. – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Aug 24, 2018 7:00:00 AM

Who anyone else chooses to sleep with or love has always meant so little to me…

My best friend for years and years had always dated men…

Then she fell in love with a woman three years ago and got married to the love of her life.

I’ve mostly dated men in my life, but I have dated two women as well.

None of this is a big deal to me: people love who they love and that makes me happy.

That being said, I still receive emails on a regular basis from many of you who are concerned or ashamed of the fact that you feel attracted to someone of the same sex.

It’s hard for me to believe – and also so understandable – that many of us can still carry shame around our sexual desires, fantasies and choices based on gender.

I have created this #IAmNotAshamed series to talk about the things that many people can still carry shame around as a way to remove that shame for all of us.

So, let me offer my own deep truth:

I desire women. I have slept with women. I can find women sexually attractive.

And I am totally not only not ashamed – I am super proud of my desires and experiences.

In the video below, I will share with you my experiences and why they meant so much to me.