VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

My experience of abuse at a Tantra school – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Sep 13, 2018 7:00:00 AM

This was the most difficult video I’ve ever made.

A tantric yoga school that I attended, Agama Yoga, was abusive, violent and coercive towards women.

When I attended, I personally experienced some of this behaviour.

I share my full experience in the video below.

After 31 women reported similar experiences recently, I was finally able to do my own healing and come forward with my own story publicly.

In sharing this, I hope that I can encourage a deeper healing and integration for all of us…and to also share a new vision for what yoga and tantra and healing can look like in the new world we are creating together of safety, integrity and accountability.

I also recommend that if you have experienced assault, harassment or sexual abuse (in any area) that you check out this website: and consider reporting your experience.

You can remain anonymous, but if several women report the same abuser or harasser, the abuser will be reported to local police – and you can also be connected to each other and to lawyers who can support you.

Sending you all my love. May we step courageously together into this new era – integrating the old wounds with love and using our hearts to create a new world of safety and integrity for all humans.


PS: You can find the resources I talk about below:

For reporting harassment, abuse, rape and other crimes.
If someone gets multiple reports, they are turned into law enforcement. You can remain anonymous and if you want, you can get connected to others who have reported the same perpetrator and receive legal support.

Sophie Bekkering
Instagram name is: bysophielua and her website is here.

Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita
Tantra Essence with Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita
The sublime ecstasy of Tantra as a spiritual path. Find their website here.

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