VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

The Pleasure Challenge – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Sep 20, 2018 7:00:00 AM

We’re gonna try something totally different together that I am BONKERS excited about!!!

For the next two weeks, I’m inviting you to focus on being “Worthy of Pleasure” together as a community… You’ll get to look at how much pleasure you allow yourself in your life…

And use a simple process to increase it. You can watch this process that I did with Linda below. (This is one of my favorite all-time videos BTW.)

If you want to join the challenge…

Follow the simple 5-step process outlined in the video.

When you take the worthy of pleasure challenge, you’ll increase pleasure in all areas of your life…then see what happens!

And please be sure to let us know the results in the comments below.

I’m SO excited to join you as well.

I currently allow myself to feel worth of pleasure at a level “8”… and this week I’m going all the way to 10!!!

I’ll be sure to update you on my results.

Our whole community will be joining in on this and you’ll feel the group resonance of upleveling our worthiness and pleasure as women!

Watch the video below and learn the practice:


Want more? Join my 21-Day Erotic Confidence Challenge