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The ultimate first kiss – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jan 11, 2018 8:00:00 AM

A first kiss done right…

can be one of the most magical and exquisite experiences.

But done wrong, it can turn into a messy train wreck

just like my first ever kiss in Italy below.

A great first kiss can set the stage for a relationship…

filled with lots of passion and romance.

(And PRO tip: if you’re already in a relationship…

kissing your partner like it’s the first time once a day can work MAGIC, trust me 😉)

So in this video, I’m sharing with you…

The 6 steps to an electrifying & delicious first kiss.

Whether it’s your first kiss ever…first one in a relationship…or just your first for the day.

Discover the 6 steps to electrifying & delicious first kiss below.


What was your first kiss like? Let me know in the comments below.




The ultimate first kiss

So my very, very first romantic kiss was also my worst kiss of all time. So I was in Florence, learning Italian, and I was 15 and there was this super hot Italian guy that I met at a bar and I lied and told him I was 19. He, I don’t know, he was like 22 or something.

And we like ran around the city and we were flirting and like being romantic. And he tried to buy pot on a bridge and it was really dodgy and kind of dangerous. And so I was so excited for this first kiss. And I was gonna beat all my other friends’ first kiss stories, cuz this was in Italy with an actual Italian.

And then he grabbed me to kiss me up against a car and he just jammed his pointy hard tongue, like all the way into my throat. And I was choking on my sexy Italian. And it was so awful. It was literally, it was literally the worst kiss in my life.

I actually thought that was how everyone kissed for a little while. So I was shocked when I got together with who then became my kind of first high school boyfriend and he did it so right. And so I wanted to share with you the perfect ingredients to having an electrifying and delicious first kiss for, you know, a couple of different reasons.

The first is what I find, no matter how pro you get, it’s still a little bit nerve wracking when you kiss someone for the first time, especially if you really like them and also pro tip for anyone dating a woman out there. She loves it if you kiss her, like it’s the first kiss at least once a day, try it.

So first thing is pick, well, if the person smells bad, if the person irritates you already and you just met them, if you get a weird queasy or contracted feeling about the person, don’t have your first kiss with them. So you can’t overcome basic things like biological incompatibility, or if you have a strange or off feeling about the person.

Number two, when you’ve found the right person and you get the butterflies and they smell good and you’re like, yes, then you’re going to create anticipation. So this is one thing that I feel like makes first kisses kind of awkward is people go from like, not being connected, not touching the person to trying to like lean in all of a sudden.

There’s this thing called kissing foreplay, which is that you can hold each other’s hands first. You can start to cuddle a little bit. You can snuggle into their neck. All of this is mm. And sets you up for a really UN awkward first kiss.

So the next key is finding an amazing location. So nothing like awkward first kiss. If the lighting is bad or weird, or you’re in the middle of the road, maybe there’s some danger going on. Anyways. The point is, think romantic, think candles, firelight, think sexy doorstep or on the stairs. When you have a moment to pause together, you can take them out to a beach. If you wanna start a relationship off. Right. Really think about this first moment because the kiss, it does matter. And one of the things I find over and over again is people really gauge their relationships and their compatibility, whether this is right or wrong, based on the chemistry of the first kiss. So set yourself up well by picking a great location.

Step four is seize the moment. So whether you’re a girl or a guy, I think you can identify with a sense of like, oh, that was it. Oh, Nope, that’s it. Oh, Nope. Right now. Oh shit. Now it’s gone. It’s gone. It’s gone. Oh God gotta start over. And that can create a bit of nervousness. You’ll feel it when the time is right, and go for it.

That’s one of the most important things, don’t just keep getting more and more anxious. The other thing is, if you do kissing foreplay, you will feel their readiness. So one of the reasons people get really nervous is what if they reject me? What if it’s the wrong moment? What if it gets awkward? If you are already holding their hand, starting to cuddle with them, you’re essentially building up this kind of consent in an appropriate way. You’ll feel the moment and you seize it.

Step number five is kiss. So I think one of the things to remember is that you want to start soft so you can build up but you wanna do it with confidence. You wanna have a kind of power around it. One of the biggest complaints I get about first kisses is that it’s too soft. The person has really kind of flaccid lips or like a flaccid tongue. And when I think about why people are doing this, I think it’s cuz they’re trying to be soft and invitational around the kiss, but you can do soft with confidence and power at the same time.

So think of it that way and really, really, really tune in to the sensations of your lips and your tongue and the deliciousness of the moment. The more that you’re present inside of your body, with all the amazing feelings, the more you’re gonna let your body be impulsive and a lot of the hottest kisses come from that kind of impulsive chemistry.

Step six is don’t overdo it. So under no circumstances ever, (we can call this the Layla Martin kissing rule) should you start to jam your tongue down the person’s throat in a darty intense moment, causing them to choke and regret their decision to ever have kissed you in the first place. So don’t do that. Don’t be slobbery..

And then one of the things as well is don’t move too fast.

So, you know, call me old fashioned, but I believe that romance is still very much alive. And when you are having a first kiss and really starting to build things with someone that you care about, that you’re genuinely curious about, you can never have those early days. Again, you can never go back and undo, you know, the sexual intercourse and undo all the experiences. So draw it out.

We all know that one of the most delicious times to be human is when you’re just falling in love. When you’re super curious about someone and you just get your interest peaked. So don’t be afraid to have that last, to play with that feeling of longing. And the last step is to finish and savor the moment. So hold them tight, stroke, their body or their hair, or hold their face. And it can be really amazing to just look into their eyes for a few seconds.

So of course, all of this is sitting on a foundation of two people being consenting. So don’t ever go kissing someone that is not giving you consent, where they are not saying yes, where you’re not reading their signals, where it’s not appropriate. But these tips when the two of you are super into it are ultra ultra ultra delicious. I’m pretty sure I love that. That’s how it’s.