VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

We almost broke up before I learned this – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Dec 6, 2018 8:00:00 AM

I have spent a lot of time feeling underwhelmed by the men in my life.

In my relationships and dating, I’ve often felt like I was sitting around waiting for him to commit, waiting for him to grow up, waiting for him to evolve sexually, spiritually, emotionally…

Waiting for him to meet me in the way that I desire…

While I sat around on my high horse…perfect…and waiting.

Can you relate?

And every time he didn’t please me, meet me, show up for me…

I got more and more bitter and angry and then crushed him in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

(Augghhhh! I’m saying it! It’s true! It’s so embarrassing!)

This behavior destroyed many of my relationships, and it damn near destroyed my relationship with Andrew…

Until I learned how to be an Initiatress.

What I discovered from observing my own life…and so many lives of women around me…

Is that most of us are sitting around waiting for the men to show up, waiting for the men to be fully conscious, waiting for the men to practice tantra (finally, jeez…)…

And I was like, Why the hell are we sitting around waiting?

To me, it is a deep, deep conditioning that men ‘need to lead’.

But what if that’s not how it’s supposed to be?

What if women were always supposed to lead in sex and love and consciousness?

At least…what if we’re meant to initiate…

And once we’ve opened the door…and seduced him into it…and initiated him…

Then he initiates you…

And then you initiate him…

And suddenly, you’re on the cycle you so crave to be on together….

What if this was what you were waiting for all along?

But it takes you and me saying, “Wait a minute…maybe I’m not supposed to sit around and wait for a man to do all these things….”

“What if I used my truth, my energy, my wisdom, my sparkle to inspire him into these higher places?”

That’s an Initiatress.

(Oh, and if he doesn’t respond? Then maybe he’s not your guy. But if you never step into your role as Initiatress, you’ll never know the full potential of your relationship.)